
Headache... lack of caffeine?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't get my normal cappuccino this morning, I was running late, and now I have this awful headache. I don't drink pop, only iced tea, water, and milk usually. Can one day of not drinking caffeine give me a headache?




  1. I drink caffeinated diet soda constantly. (Yes, I know it's bad - whatever.)  I'm talking 2-liters every day.  If I do not get any caffeine, it usually takes 2-3 days before the headache starts.  I know it is the withdrawal, and only taking more caffeine helps.  I have been planning to wean myself off it.  Need to get around to that.  

    I don't think a headache after missing one drink the same morning is the cause/effect in your case. Too little/too soon.

  2. if you usually have caffiene then yes it will give you a headache. people become addicted to caffiene without even knowing. try it if you're headache goes away with some caffiene then you need it in you. but to drink water. hydrating yourself properly will relieve the headache some.

  3. Is  this something you drink every morning then yes it can cause a head ache.

  4. yes it can! shame on you for missing that cappuccino :)  !

  5. It can but unlikely, your body gets used to the caffine and when your without it, you can get a headache.

  6. If you drink cappuccino every morning and then skip a day...yes you can.  You best bet is to drink something that has caffeine in it, that small amount should help with the headache.

  7. yeh, thats why you need to cut down, disipline yurself and youll get headaches less less when ever you dont have one

  8. Yes, that will do it.  Caffeine is addicting and if our bodies are used to getting it every day then we can have withdrawals.

  9. If you're used to having caffine on a daily routine it can cause headaches.

    If i go out without my morning coffee i have the worst headache throughout the day.

  10. yes it will. caffeine is addictive and your body needs it once it gets used to having it. you are going through caffeine withdrawls

  11. yuppers(

  12. I am the same. I have a good strong cappuccino first thing, and I always get a headache if I don't have it ;)

  13. sure can. happens to me now and then

  14. It's possible, but if that's all you usually have I wouldn't think that it would cause any withdrawal symptoms.  I could be wrong though.  You can find more information here

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