
Headaches, night sweats, routine dreaming. What's wrong with me?

by Guest58458  |  earlier

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There are three parts to my question. I'm unsure if they are all being caused by something similar, but together they are making me absolutely miserable. All of this takes place over about a 3-week period.

Headaches. About every third night I'm waking up at random hours with this headache that is always the same. It goes from my left eye, to the top of my head, down the back of my head into my ear and jaw and stops at the base of my neck. Only on the left side. I'll go to bed feeling nothing but exhausted and wake up in excruciating pain which prevents me from going back to sleep. Today, for example, I woke up at 4am with just the beginning signs of the headache so I went downstairs and took some excedrin. Then I woke up again about 25 minutes ago, at 6am with the headache. It's on the low side of the pain scale because I got out of bed before the full blown headache could emerge. I've tried sleeping on only my right side, my stomach, and just my back. I've tried different pillows. I've tried leaning my pillow up against the wall. Nothing seems to be working.

Night Sweats. Every day for 2 weeks, I've had a fever off an on. It will come when I'm at work then disappear when I'm done. Or show up right after school but I can almost set my watch by it coming at night. I'll lie down to go to sleep and I'm just too hot without my AC so I turn it on and halfway through the night I wake up drenched in sweat. So I'll take the covers off but then the AC is way too cold. I'll turn it off and I'm too hot again. I have woken up covered in sweat every night for these past two weeks. No matter which combination of shorts, sweats, AC on, AC off, with or without covers, I'm soaked. Even tonight I have a very slight fever but I wake up and my back and my head are just all sweaty.

Routine Dreaming. Every night for the duration of these three weeks, I've been having dreams where I have to complete some task. For example, I work in Barnes and Noble cafe and I'll have dreams where I'm trying to complete an order. I'll wake up, knowing full well that I'm in my room, but I'm unable to convince myself I can't finish the order so I stay awake until I've exhausted myself. My dreams are just repetitive tasks that are impossible to complete being in my bed in my room. Every time, though, I wake up knowing I'm in my room and I grumble to myself saying "Nik, you know you're in your room...please just go back to sleep." I'll wake up like this two to three times a night. It's when I wake up from these dreams that I find I have a massive headache or I'm drenched with sweat.

I haven't had a decent night's sleep in 3 weeks. I go to school 5 days a week starting at 9, and have a job that I'm at til usually 1030 at night. I'm constantly feeling exhausted and I finally went to the doctor Friday for blood work pertaining to the fever. I won't find out the results of that til Tuesday. What can I try to change all these things preventing me from a decent sleep???




  1. I assume you are not old enough to be going through menopause. It sounds like you have an infection. The night sweats may be a fever. Fevers always seem to get worse at night. Have you taken your temperature during the day? You may have a low grade fever. One thing that helps headaches is drinking more water. If you are having a fever, then your body is using more liquid. I would increase my liquids especially pure water. Stay away from sodas and caffeines. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from sugars and white flour. A good diet is important for your body to fight the infection. Take Vitmin C, garlic. I take Echinachea and Silver Colloidal to fight infection. If you live in the Northeast, I would look into Lyme Disease. It is underdiagnosed and easier to treat in the early stages.  

  2. did you talk to him about the headaches?

    it sounds like you might have a migraine.

    you should talk to him about the sleep too, losing sleep over long periods of time can be really devestating.

    I really wish you well!!! feel better

  3. Well, I don't have Crohn's (at least, I don't THINK so), but I have something that has to do with that sort of thing...OK, first I guess I should explain my problem; I've had this problem since I was a kid. I can't go to the bathroom right... It's gotten so bad that now, I'm 20, and I go like a month of being constipated, and then like a week with diarrhea and it's as often as every 3 minutes! It sucks! I have sort of the same thing that you do when I have to deal with the week or so of the nasty stuff: I can't sleep very well, when I do, it's not really sleeping, and I have kind of the weird dreams you have? It's like I'm not really sleeping, but I kind of get some rest from it? I'll try to explain it the best I can... Let's say that it's the first night of it, and before I tried to lay down to sleep, I was answering questions on here! Well, when I lay down, I'll have these weird dream/thoughts about me answering questions... sometimes it's like I'm thinking the same things over and over again... Hmm. This specific thing hasn't happened to me (yet), so let me try to think of one that has... AHH! I can't... I'm unfortunately getting close to that week so hopefully I won't be dreaming about this thing when I go to bed next!

    But anyway... I get too hot one minute, then too cold the next minute, during this time. It's usually too hot though... Hmm. I haven't really had much experience with head aches.

    What I do is I take a few sleeping pills, they usually help me. Just unforunately not enough to totally put me to sleep during the week...

    Uhh. Well I don't think I've helped you, probably just embarrassed myself... but I'm here to talk if you ever need to talk to someone! lol. Uh. yeah. :p

    Call me Kary :)

  4. I think you're suffering from stress, and being overworked, and possibly could have a hormone imbalance. You may have a bacterial/virus infection which hopefully the blood tests will show up. My mum says take Prozac its brill! It will chill you out, and a short course of valium to help you sleep at night. Good Luck ! Hope you get better soon!  

  5. first you need to go to the doctor and get that check out and maybe he will give you some medicine for your heache and some thing to help you sleep better

  6. best case: you are in love first time

    worst case: constant night sweats and the fever could be symptoms of leukemia

  7. I think you are in love

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