
Headaches, thirst and pins and needles in hands! any idea what that is about?

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Headaches, thirst and pins and needles in hands! any idea what that is about?




  1. there's a possibility it could be diabetes. You might want to have you're blood sugar tested & a1c which is your blood sugar overall average over a 3 month period.

  2. Hangover??

  3. This could be dehydration caused by heat and sweating, in which case you may need salt as well as water.

    If it doesn't go away, you should really seek proper medical attention.

  4. This reads like the typical symptoms of poor circulation, you need to see your doctor as soon as and get him/her to check you out, you may be in need of medication, don't ignore it.

  5. Thats the signs I get when im going ot have a migraine you prob could do with going to see the doctor I let mine get out of hand and ended up in hospital and it wasn't a nice thing. I had to have a brain scan because I was gettting migraines virtually every day but it turned out that my blood vessels in my brain were narrow and needed me to take tablets to let the blood flow easier and now I hardly ever have them.

    Take care

  6. low potassium?

  7. um it could be poor blood circulation on the area of your pins and needles! Maybe you need to take iron tablets...and drink more water.

    headaches well that could be stress related-hot weather- maybe try going opticians could be your straining your eyes..

  8. Don't hope this is right contact a doctor, the head aches and pins and needles sound bad "together"!!

  9. Pins and needles is a sign of migranes, so it may be something to do with that.

    I get migrane's caused by low blood pressure, but they can be caused by many things.

  10. There are many things that this could be. You could have low potassium, you could have a hangover, you could have a low blood sugar, it could also be low sodium, but the most common is being dehydrated.  Drink plenty of fluids, especially ones that contain sodium like Gatorade.

  11. Sounds like aspartame poisoning to me.

    Do you drink diet croak?

  12. Migraine Headache Symptoms

    Migraines are different from tension or cluster headaches and produce unique symptoms. Different people experience different symptoms and different time periods between migraine attacks. Some people can get migraines every week while others may get them only once or twice a year.

    Some people get signs and symptoms that a migraine is about to come on (prodromal phase). Possible early warning symptoms include such things as raised or dull senses, irritability, withdrawal from people, cravings for particular foods (especially sweet foods), lot of yawning or having trouble talking. These symptoms can develop slowly over 24 hours.

    Migraine with ‘Aura’

    A small number of people get warning symptoms within only an hour of getting a migraine. This is known as ‘aura’ and is a special type of feeling that a migraine is about to start. You may see flashing lights or zig zag lines in your vision, or even lose site in one or both eyes. You may also get pins and needles in your hands.

    About 80% of people do not get an aura before a migraine.

  13. Sounds like stress, if you are have pins and needles more in your middle finger, especially on your left arm its definately due to stress, the headaches are strong symptoms of anxiety, especially if you try and lie down and they wont go away.

    Thirst? well that could be anything although i would put all your symptoms down to stress.

    For a full diagnosis please see your doctor

    Get well soon

  14. Headaches can be caused by so many things - a bump on the head to a sudden change in air pressure when the weather changes suddenly.  Pins and needles could be a side effect of a migraine as hufflethe says or it could also  be poor circulation. Maybe see a doctor and have your blood pressure checked. Those can all be symptoms of blood pressure problems among other things. If it keeps up, I think the best way to deal with it is to see your doctor; everything else is just guessing, educated guessing maybe but still guessing.

  15. Signs of diabetes is excessive thirst, urination and headaches. Pins and needles can be a side effects of diabetes called neuropathy. GO get your blood sugar checked by your DR

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