
Headahce turned toothache... possible sinus infection??

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This weird thing I have going on started out as a bad headache that lasted around 3 days... which i thought might be due to a sinus infection or something along those lines due to other common symptoms.

Last night however it turned into a bad toothache, the headache disappeared and now all that I'm left with is this sore upper molar problem on my left side. I tried orajel to see if it was a tooth problem, but it only numbed my cheek and then disappeared after like five minutes of being in my mouth and did absolutely nothing for the ache. Excedrin, Tylenol, regular straight ibuprofen and Advil do absolutely nothing for this problem, and I think it might actually be due to a sinus infection.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? I've tried a lot of home-remedies to try to fix it besides OTC medicine.. salt water rinse, oregano leaves, vanilla, clove oil, hot tea, cold compress, hot compress.. you name it. Any suggestions? I appreciate the help (:




  1. If you have a sinus infection, and it sounds like you could, you need an antibiotic.  Do you have discharge from your nose?  If yes, what color is it?  Green means infection.  Drink a lot of fluid.  That should thin the mucous but you will have to see a doctor and be treated to get rid of it.  I know it hurts like crazy.

  2. Inflammation of the maxillary sinus can often cause a vague toothache in the upper molars on the affected side, because the sensory nerves that run to your upper teeth run in the floor of that sinus.

    If you're having nasal drainage and a pressure sensation in your sinus, then sinusitis sounds like the most likely cause.  If you're not having any nasal symptoms whatsoever, then it is more likely a dental issue.

    If you're not running a fever you could try using an over-the-counter decongestant like pseudoephedrine combined with a decongestant nasal spray like Afrin.  The decongestants should help allow the mucus trapped in the inflamed sinus to drain.

    I usually give my sinusitis patients a few days on this therapy before starting antibiotics.  However, if symptoms get worse or persist then go see a doctor.  If you're already running a temperature over 100.4, then I'd go ahead and see a doctor in the next day or so.

  3. Try taking a decongestant (NOT an antihistamine - they are different).  If it helps with the pain it might be a sinus infection.  They don't generally clear up on their own.  See a doc.

  4. I had the same thing happen to me just a week or so ago.

    I was really phlemy and it was backed up into my ears, my cheeks, my forehead, my throat... basically my entire face hurt!!  Then my molars began hurting... NOT cool.

    I basically took some GSE (grapefruit seed extract) in some water and lots and lots of probiotics.  I'm pregnant so there wasn't too much I could do.  It went away in a couple of days, maybe as much as 3 or 4.

    Just monitor your mucous color though.  Anything other than clear (green, yellow, etc) means you have an infection.  Then you should go see your Dr.... but I never do.  I don't believe in that stuff anyway.  Only in extreme cases should antibiotics be used.

  5. GO TO THE DENTEST! It is probally your wisdom teeth, maybe they are impacted and need to some out. Dont rick it get in a see a dentest, the same thgns happened to me and that is what it was.

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