
Heading to Tenerife soon!!! Mosquitos just love me!! Tried Deet last year but they still got me!! Help!!?

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Heading to Tenerife soon!!! Mosquitos just love me!! Tried Deet last year but they still got me!! Help!!?




  1. Hi

    I use to get eaten EVERYWHERE !

    I am unable to use Deet as I am alergic to repelents that contain it, so I have a list of things that I try instead:-

    As you are heading to Tenerife one of the best things will be to snap a piece of the Aloe Vera that grows naturally and use this on any bites that you may have, it will clear them up quicker and stop the mosquitos wanting to bite in the first place.

    If you are prone to being bitten in bed, try putting Karvol (a decongestion liquid) on your pillow and top edge of your sheet - they hate it!

    If you want to walk around at night - without having to cover every bit of exposed skin, use tea tree oil as you would a perfume (ie on wrists, neck and even ankles) or even as shampoo if they bite your scalp.

    I have just returned from Cuba, where they have industrial strength mosquitos - ordinary repelent was useless - so used a combination of the tea tree / karvol and the local remedy of drinking as much tonic water as possible.  Guess what - it works...and as I got through the week I was able to drop the tea tree and just make sure I drank tonic water (even with vodka !)

    Hope this helps.

  2. Avon Skin So Soft is meant to work x x

  3. Went to Corfu last year. Boyfriend and I only people in villa not to get eaten alive!!!

    What we did differently from everyone else;

    1) Dont drink too much alcohol, they love it!

    2) Dont wear perfume or aftershave

    3) Use plug in repellent in your room 24hrs

    4) Keep windows and doors shut 24hrs (time to get air con!)

    Worked for us, Good luck, and have a great holiday (even if they do get ya!)

  4. Avon, the cosmetics company, do a spray- on dry skin oil that is very good for deterring mosquitos. You need to buy the "Soft and Sensual" fragrance in it. It smells lovely; keeps your skin soft, and really works.

  5. Well i sugest 4 things.

    Eat lots of garlic.

    Use jungal formula spray.

    Avon SSS is good but has no active ingredients.

    Drink gin and tonic as the tonic contains quinin.

    Happy holiday

  6. avon skin so soft must be forest fresh smell, i am a mossie magnet and this works fro me, ive heard tell that scottish foresters use it is chaeaper than mossi repellants and moisturises your skin at same time

  7. heading there myself next week, they say the garlic capsules are good if taken a couple of weeks before going      but i noticed in one of the drugstores they had wet wipes especially  for detering mosquitoes they were £1 .70 for a pack of ten  im going to get myself a couple of packs,,,im more worried about the cockroches

  8. Marmite/Vegemite and plenty of it. Mozzys hate the smell of humans when you eat lots of this stuff. Not so good if you dont like it tho...

  9. Plenty of onion and garlic in your diet.

  10. what u eat is what u r, as they say. every thing u intake comes through ur skin pours. garlic will in some cases work for the flying & some types of ticks& other nasties. now me I do know that nothing works because i have such a high sugar intake. so the flyers can smell me a mile away.actually they can smell farther than that] so when the girls say I am so sweet they are not kidding. [ If they really knew the truth].

  11. When I went to Nepal there was the threat of malaria carrying mossies, I bought Boots Extra Strength Repelent and it kept them all away. You could see them flying around the heads of people next to me but they never came anywhere near me!

    I even wrote to Boots after I returned and congratulated them on their product. Try it! It really works well.

  12. kill them b4 they get u!

    carefull mosquitos can carry H.i,v

  13. vitamin b strong compound 2 weeks before you travel and while you are there guaranteed to work

  14. take a plug in repellent with you bout £5 or £10 but well worth it. i go on hols every year and nevr get eating alive but my family seem to! bet i just jinks my self as im heading away this summer! but i recommend them plug ins! and there is also sprays for when you go out all i had to do was spray it on my ankles! hope that helped!

  15. try garlic tableys or citronella oil available from good health stores

  16. My mates wife always gets bitten someone told her to take garlic capsules 6 weeks before and during the holiday she didn't get bitten once .

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