
Heal a big bruise quickly?

by  |  earlier

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i have a big bruis3 on my arm and its b1u3 purp13 and pink its r3a11y r3a11y bad, is th3r3 any hom3 mad3 som3thing to h3al it quick?

if not how can i g3t it to h3al quick1y it hurts alot too wh3n i touch it.

if i was to let it h3al on its own how 1ong wou1d it take to h3al?




  1. You know, the 'E' key is RIGHT underneath the '3' key on most keyboards....

  2. i would recommend using something called arnica gel. You  get it at pharmacies and health food shops. its sooo good. It should make your bruise fade alot in a few days

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