
Heal sore blisters on feet?

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I do a lot of walking in work with steel toe-cap boots. I get blisters often - any ideas on healing them fast?




  1. First things first which they usually tell you not to do, but pop them. After that apply some anti-septic cream to avoid infection and keep a plaster of it when wearing your shoes to avoid making it worst.

    Keep your feet "free" (don't wear sock or plasters) when you don't need to as this will help let the wounds "breath" and it will heal faster.

  2. I would soak your feet, pop the blisters and put on Compeed plasters. Ideally it would be best to give your feet time to breathe and heal by themselves but that's not an option when you're working. I did the Duke of Edinburgh- long long expeditions= blisters aplenty- and Compeeds were my saviour. They act as a second skin, totally take away any pain and whatever is in them lets the skin grow and heal underneath them, just leave it on for a week or so- completely waterproof so it won't come off.

    Why don't you try some thicker socks, like walking socks or if that doesn't work a pair of inner socks can stop it rubbing. I feel your pain man! But seriously Compeeds work. Sorry for the shameless plug but they do!

  3. You need to drain them with a sterilised needle that has been placed in boling water then cover with a plaster to prevent dirt getting in till they start to heal!

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