
Healing from torn shoulder tendon and bursitis

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My dad has torn a tendon in his shoulder, has bursitis and tendonitis. Apparently, the tendon and bursar are infected. What will the treatment be for this? How do they get a torn tendon to heal?




  1. surgery ,

  2. Tendons attach muscle to bone. The biceps muscle in the upper arm splits near the shoulder into a long head and a short head. Both attach to the shoulder in different places. At the other end of the muscle, the distal biceps tendon connects to the smaller bone (radius) in the lower arm. These connections help the muscle stabilise the shoulder, rotate the lower arm, and accelerate or decelerate the arm during overhead motions, such as pitching.

    The long head of the biceps tendon is vulnerable to injury because it travels through the shoulder joint to its attachment point. If it tears, you may lose some strength in your arms and be unable to turn your arm from palm down to palm up. Because the torn tendon can no longer keep the muscle taut, you may also notice a bulge in the upper arm (Popeye muscle). If the distal tendon tears, you may be unable to lift items or bend your elbow.

    Nonsurgical treatment is usually all that is needed for tears in the proximal biceps tendons.

    Ice applications keep down the swelling

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, reduce pain

    Rest the muscle and limit activity when there is pain or weakness

    Flexibility and strengthening exercises will keep the shoulder mobile and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

    Surgical repair of a complete tendon tear can be done for younger individuals whose work involves heavy labor or lifting.

    Complete tears of the distal biceps tendon require surgery to reattach the tendon to the bone. Range of motion exercises can begin as early as two weeks after surgery, although forceful biceps activity is often restricted for four to six months.

    Partial tears of the distal biceps tendon may be treated either nonsurgically or surgically.

    You and your orthopaedic surgeon should discuss the options for your specific case.

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