
Healing pencil burn wound.?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I gave myself a pencil burn wound (erased my skin). Don't lecture me.

I need to know how to heal it quickly. I looked for alcohol or neosporin in the house, but i couldnt find any. I can't go and buy any either. What are other things i can use? Its a couple days old btw.

Heres a pic **GROSS**

Yeah i have ugly arms.




  1. Wash the wound with soap and water, then apply some good old Vaseline over it, then cover it with a bandage or very large Band-aid. Do this a couple times a day. Should begin to look a lot better in a day or two. In your pictures, is those little round things blisters? If they are, don't bust them. They'll go away on their own when their work is done. I don't see the ugliness you see. Take care young lady and I certainly hope the vaseline helps. Good luck.

  2. wow that is sad

    wash it with mild soap

    blot excess water with a sterile gauze pad

    coat the entire wound with vaseline

    cover the area with a sterile covering

    the vaseline will keep out germs and allow the skin to heal from the inside toward the exterior so it won't abcess

    skin heals better when it is covered

    i learned this from my dermatologist

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