
Healing stones?

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do stones really work when u touch them like the ones u buy in shop that are for say like confidence and stuff





  2. Everything has a vibrational energy.  You learned this in high school chemistry/physics class.  Certain things vibrate to different frequencies.  Certain frequencies are beneficial for certain emotional issues, including health/phyical related issues.  When you combine quartz with the naturally occuring pink color to make a rose quartz, then you have a stone the supports the heart chakra and self-love/acceptance, and love (true, spiritual love) for others.  

    Yes, they really do work.

    Lithium is used in medicines for mental disorders.  Clear quartz are used in electronics.  Modern science just has to come up to speed with what the rest of stones/crystals can do.

  3. They do not work.  

    Magic is not real.

    "For centuries, crystals and other gems have been desired for their alleged magical healing and mystical paranormal powers. This belief continues today among occultists and New Age healers, even though it is based on nothing more than testimonials, the placebo effect, selective thinking, wishful thinking, the Forer effect, sympathetic magic, and communal reinforcement. There is no scientific evidence that crystals are conduits of magical energies useful for healing and protection, or for telling the future."

    Halema is a nut job.

  4. David and Halema are seriously confused.

    "Distilled water will kill plants"??  Baloney.

    "Vibrational energy"  LOL.  

    Stones and crystals have zero healing power.  They are placebos ONLY.

    Oh, and the placebo effect IS present and demonstrable in animals.  Ask any researcher.  That argument (used all the time by the uneducated alties) is bogus.

  5. Caralima,

    Halema is right.  There is something to them and the "vibrational energy" she talks about is very real.  What is even more effective and also VERY REAL is the natural energy of the earth (which is magnetics - north and south pole).  I have seen and heard some amazing things from people using products from a company called Nikken, which has the most advanced magnetic technology on the planet.  These technologies are producing such amazing results that thousands of doctors and other medical professionals have totally left their practices so they could focus on sharing these technologies with others because they have seen such amazing things.

    "Big Puffy Shoes" , this is for you.  You better be sure that you do your homework before you open your mouth and chastize people like Halema.  There is a lot more "science" supporting what she is saying than there is supporting your comments.  I recommend reading the book "Vibrational Medicine".  It is NOT just a coincidence that the healthiest people in the world are the Japanese.  They totally understand the natural energies of the earth and sun and incorporate them into their lives.

    As for your argument of "placebo", you can completely eliminate the "placebo" affect if you try something on an animal.  This is because you CANNOT "placebo" an animal.  If you use something "natural" and are not sure if the affect was real or placebo, use that same natural thing on an animal and see what the result is.  You can also use it on a plant.

    Many people think drinking distilled water is very good for the body, yet when you pour it on a plant the plant will die.
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