
Health-Care Reform in the United States

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Would we be better off if hospitals, and clinics were non-profit. Instead of being for profit as they are now?




  1. The reason our medical costs are so high is all the free medical care given to the illegal immigrants.  Go to any emergency room and tell me what you see and who do you think is paying the tab!

  2. Yes we would...if you look at the model that the Danes and the Brits use, doctors are still well compensated, and the actual costs go down in a country where good quality health and preventative care are given equally to all. There are always horror stories about waiting for months to see doctors, etcetera...that someone tells an American about the friend in Canada that had to wait to see a doctor. But I can tell you from personal experience, when my 3rd grader was diagnosed with a bone tumor, with my full coverage thru United Health Care, I had orthopedic oncologists office staffs telling me I had to wait 3-4 months before a doctor could see her! So things are not better here. As to Roadrunn - hospitals do not treat anyone who walks in the door, not fully...they stabilize them, and emergency rooms especially in hard hit areas and urban areas are bleeding red ink from patients that can't pay, and everyone suffers when they are jammed with people who should have access to basic care.   The average family of 4 pays about 13,000.00 per year in health care "co-payments" and for their "share" of employer provided health care....providing medicare for everyone would not cost nearly that much in taxes. People need to think of health care providers like they do police and fire departments...things we all invest in for the common good of our fellow citizens!

  3. We would be better off if people would start to take care of themselves and stop demanding the government do it for them.  They are not supposed to play parent to us as if we are children.  We are supposed to have the self worth and responsibility to do that on our own.  The hospitals and doctors wouldn't have to charge so much if people would drop the frivilous lawsuits.  The insurance costs would be cheaper if people would only take care of themselves and what they put in their bodies.  When the government takes the control from the people and run it themselves you get the Canadian / European medical system.  I'm sorry, but do you really want the government to tell you that you are too old for the treatment and wheel you out the door?  DO you really want to have a cheap doctor that gets paid the same amount as your kid does flipping burgers at McDonalds?  This isn't the answer.

  4. all central government administered health care programs are a dismal failure.  (perhaps not seen to be so by those stuck in those plans and don't know better)

    i'd rather get 2nd or 3rd class class american health care than what passes for 1st class health care in other countries.

    in britain, for instance, i have seen surgeons operate without face masks!

    canadian hospitals have been given failing grades for sanitation and patient care.

    if medical insurance companies don't want to do business in an all inclusive, profit loss way, then it is STILL not the government's job to deal in healthcare and woe to us if they do.

    citizens could create their own health care program with their own rules, supported and paid out by themselves.  i wonder why no one has done that yet?  

  5. We would be better off if the Government accepted direct responsibility for the health of it's citizens. The choice  - is providing this care to someone profitable - is simply immoral and induces a climate of fear in people's lives. The day they demand that the armed forces show a profit, I'll accept that healthcare should to.

    In response to Pogostc (below): I would accept that we shouldn't demand that the Govt take responsibility for everything, if there was an option for opting out. They don't provide health care, we get to do a little burglary if the feeling takes us, or at very least hold back our taxes. If the Govt fails in it's mission as the institution whereby Society takes care of itself, why should we hold up our side of the contract?

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