
Health Insurance App - what if I lie?

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I need to apply for individual health insurance. I already got denied by Humana because I have ADHD and take medication for it. What if I simply omit that information on my next application? I have insurance right now and I am afraid that the company I am applying for will check all my records and see all the meds I am on and any pre-exsisting conditions. Should I omit any of that info. If I don't I may be unable to get health insurance!! Help me please. I am not a liar, but I need health insurance. I can't afford to live without it.




  1. Find a company that will not deny you for ADHD different insurance companies will except different risks (Thank the Good Lord)

    Try United American they excepted me and my pre existing condition and most agents wouldn't even take my application.

    I Was so impressed I became an agent for UA.

    Never LIE about your current health conditions!

  2. There is no absolutely right answer for your question.Nonetheless,explorer the information here might give you some ideas.HOpe it helps.

  3. Don't lie!

    Find an agent and ask him/her to do a pre-screen. There are other carriers that will cover ADHD.  You will have to pay a higher premium. You may be still denied coverage, so do not cancel your existing coverage until you receive, in writing, your new policy.


  4. How about working with a health insurance broker in your state who can help you find the right company?  Instead of lying on the application (insurance fraud) or getting denied with a bunch of companies until you find one that will take you, they can help make your job easier.  You don't pay extra by going through them, and they should be able to spell out what you can and can't get.  When they start asking specific questions about your health, that's a sign they know what the heck they're doing.

    Good luck

  5. Well, as soon as they see a claim go in, they'll check with Medical Information Bureau, see that you've had proir stuff done with that code, deny the claim, and cancel your policy.

    You're not going to get an individual policy that's going to be willing to cover the ADHD part.  Unless you try your state high risk health pool - which most likely will have an 18 month waiting period before it covers preexistings.

    They're going to find out if you lie.   Then they won't cover you, and you'll be frustrated and angry.

  6. first of all, this is one of the stupidest things ive heard of doing. the minute you pick up your meds, see your psych or have any kind of "hit" on your insurance related to ADHD, they will drop your insurance faster than you think and will sue for the claims they have paid. this goes for anything that you may have. insurance companies have departments that are there just to screen you up, down and sideways. they will catch it, and you will be sorry.

  7. You definitely do not want to ever lie on a health insurance application.

    You may be able to get away with it for a little while but if you every have a big claim then they will do some investigating and likely find your lie and then cancel your policy and refuse to pay any claims.

    Every health insurance company has different underwriting standards. Just because you got declined by Humana does not mean that you will be declined by Aetna, Blue Cross, United Healthcare, etc.

    You will want to compare quotes from at least 3 different reputable companies and then speak with an individual health insurance agent that can help you compare options.

    Here is some more information on pre-existing conditions and also on how to find cheap health insurance:

  8. They will check with your current insurer and also with MIBs for other applications you've made.

  9. You will get caught if you lie.  No doubt about it.

    The first time you fill a prescription for your ADHD, your new insurer will start to investigate.  Your policy will be canceled.

    If the new insurer has paid out any claims on your behalf to doctors, hospitals, or other medical providers, they will take back the money.  You will be liable for those bills.

    Do not lie - it will come back to haunt you in the end.  Find an insurance policy that will accept your current conditions, or get a job that comes with group benefits.

  10. If you lie on the exam and they find out later, you won't be covered anyway! If the catch it too late, they may file insurance fraud charges and you will get free health care in prison!

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