
Health Insurance Question (Confidentiality)?

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I need to go to the doctors for an std test. I have health insurance through my parent, and i was wondering if it was possible for her to find out why i was going to the doctors? I'm going to go anyways to get a vaccination, and was wondering if she would get mailed something that would possibly say why i was at the doctors. Thanks!




  1. I have met similiar situation before.It is not easygoing,however,I get through it well is the resource i find is useful for me.hope it works for you.

  2. First, if you want something to be confidential, do not post it on the Internet.  There is also nothing to keep your parents, or anyone else, from reading the question that you have posted themselves.  There also is nothing to keep anyone who sees your question from calling your parents, or anyone else, and telling them that you said that you needed an STD test.  

    Second, go to a Planned Parenthood clinic.

  3. Health insurance generally doesn't cover routine STD tests.  (Unless, by some chance, you have a policy that covers all routine lab work...this is a rare situation.)  You are much better off having the test done at the health department.

    To answer your confidentiality question:  Your health insurance company won't be able to tell your parents what kind of test you had - it will just show up as "lab work" on the Explanation of Benefits sent to them.

    I used to work in the customer service department for a major health insurance company.  At least 2 dozen times I encountered the following scenario:

    Girl gets STD test done while at the doctor.  STD test wasn't covered by insurance...STD tests done in the doctor's office are *expensive*.  Parents get statement in mail and see that daughter had $300 worth of "lab work" that was rejected.  Parents call insurance company demanding to know what the lab work was and why it wasn't covered.  I tell parents that I cannot disclose what kind of lab work daughter had - if they wish to know specifics, they will need to consult with her.  Parents scream and yell at me on phone for 20 minutes.  When they realize I'm not going to tell what lab work daughter had, they hang up to get ahold of daughter and try to berate her into telling them what she had done.  Parents and/or daughter are still stuck with the bill for the full cost of the STD tests.

    Unless you call the insurance company in advance and confirm that your policy actually will cover a routine STD test (again, most do not), you are much better off going to the health department.  Just because the insurer can't tell them doesn't meant that your parents won't try to force you to tell them...especially if they get stuck with a bill for hundreds of dollars for your tests that insurance didn't cover!

  4. No, it's not.  At best, she'll see there was a trip to the doctor.  She won't see any test results, or what the trip was for.

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