
Health Insurance for the uninsured?! ?

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I am almost 25, and I don't have any health insurance. I am looking online at different companies, and I honestly don't know what to go through. I never have to go the Doctor, I just want it just in case. And b/c I want to get on some antidepressants.

So let me know if you know any good companies. I am not interested in paying and arm and a leg b/c I don't have a lot of money.




  1. The health insurance market is different in each state, so it’s hard to make recommendations without more information.  But if you don’t have any pre-existing medical conditions you may be able to find some affordable options in your area.

    Since you’re primarily interested in having coverage “just in case”, you might want to consider a health insurance plan with a higher deductible, which usually means a lower monthly payment.  It sounds like you’ll also want to find one that covers prescription drugs.  With a higher deductible plan you may have to pay out of pocket for most of your prescriptions or for your occasional office visit, but a plan like that can still provide you with valuable protection in case of unexpected injury or illness.

    The first thing you should do is talk to a licensed agent in your area who represents multiple insurance companies.  That can help you get an idea of what’s available.  It doesn’t cost anything extra to work through an agent.  You can also visit an online health insurance agency like, where I work, to take a look for yourself.  At our site, for example, you can get free quotes, compare plans side by side, and apply for coverage online.  You can also talk with one of our licensed agents toll-free at 1-800-977-8860.

    Best of luck,

    Amir M, licensed agent

  2. I hope my suggestion could be helpful.And here is resource that I am used to use.Check it out.

  3. I just asked the same question two minutes ago. Please stay away from anti-depressants or at least read about them before going on them. They are really just a scam for the big-pharma to make lots of money off of you. You said it yourself, you don't have a lot of money, why give it over to them in exchange for happiness? You are capable of generating your own happiness.

  4. I don't know where you are located, but where I am Blue Cross Blue Shield has some good plans to choose from.

    They have some that are higher deductables so that the payment isn't so high every month, but they'll still cover preventative stuff and prescriptions. The only down side is if you're planning on having kids, most of them have the 24 months waiting period where they won't cover babies.

    Usually there's tons of different plans to look at. Hope I helped! :)

    P.S. Stay AWAY from United HealthCare!!! They are shysters, and their coverage is getting so bad that hospitals and doctors are actually dropping them out of their networks!

  5. Check out a health savings account. You put a little money into it every month and you can deduct this from your income tax. This money can be used to pay any health related expenses. Couple this with a high deductible insurance plan that is only to cover you in the event of a serious accident or illness.

    If you just need to go to the doctor for a checkup or minor illness it's cheaper to pay for the visit rather than have it covered by insurance.

  6. While everyone's individual situation is different the key to finding the best plan is really to shop around.

    Be sure that you compare quotes from at least 3 different reputable companies and you will be just fine. Stick with large and well known company like Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Humana, etc.

    Here is some more information on how to choose the best medical insurance company:

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