
Health Issues, very, very frustrated at this point!?

by  |  earlier

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It all started one evening at work. I was on break and I started to just feel out of it. I was worrying a lot as well, so I figured it was an anxiety attack coming on. The next morning, I woke up shaking and feeling emotionally and physically like complete c**p. Since then, depression has come and gone and its severity has fluctuated for probably over 5 months now. I am being treated for Bipolar II disorder. It has made me more stable and happier, however, I still physically feel terrible. My vision has gone to h**l. I see floaters and speckles, tons of them... all of the time. I get black waves in my vision and occasional flashing lights. I feel slightly unstable and out of it as well, pretty much all the time. My strength has decreased some since this all started. I went to a general MD in the first place because I thought something was wrong with me physically. We ran EKG´s, blood tests and chest xrays. They all came out perfectly. I went to an ophthalmologist, he said my eyes looked fine. Pressure is fine, no visible damage. Yet, my vision still sucks. I don´t know if they can automatically tell if one has optic neuritis or not, but he said everything looked great and it sounded like an astigmatism. Anyway, the last thing to do is get an MRI. Stress has also screwed my jaw up and my neck. I am really hoping that this is all related to stress which can be fixed, but something tells me that it might be more serious. Please please please help me, my MD sucks and it´ll be a while before I get a really good one.




  1. most of it sounds neurologically induced, and if stress is a big factor in your life then it is probably the stress

    if you want all this **** to go away, seeing there is nothing physically wrong with you, you need to take a step back and look at your life, were you expecting more? expecting to be in a different place? those sort of ideals

    and then help yourself reach what you truly want

  2. It sounds like you're taking Prednisone.  Is this true.  My vision sucks as well.  I wish I could help you...but my health is shot to c**p too.  The information just caught my "eyes."  I took prednisone years ago and gained 35 pounds.  Then took the all off.  It never affected me the way it is doing now (back on it after being off for a few years)  Blurred vision, speckles just like you, emotions go back and forth.    I feel you.  It fn sucks.

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