
Health Problem: Urinary Tract

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I need some help with a health problem, if you have any legitimate information, please let me know.

I have been urinating up to 15 or 20 times a day and constantly feel like I have to go. I wake up to go at least once at night but sometimes 2 or 3 times.

I went to my internist and had blood work done and a standard urinalysis (not a culture) and both came back clean. Diabetes, STD, and hernia have been ruled out by my doctor. I am 24 years old and in excellent health.

I do not drink more than the average, and although caffeine is in my diet, the symptons do not change if I take a week off soda.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem may be?




  1. Might me acute prostitus.  Do ride a bike. If youdo and you ride a fair amount, ask your MD for ertyhromycin 500mg  three time a day for a week, also take hot baths (as hot as you can stand and of course no bike riding for awhile.

  2. Since you don't have any pain, my first guess would be overactive bladder. It's a real condition and your symptoms match up. Of course, you should check into UTI, kidney infection and bladder infection, but those usually cause pain and burning.  

  3. This is really one for your doctor not the internet. However, I am interested to know if you pass the normal amount of urine each time, but just more frequently, or is it much smaller amounts each time.  In other words is the total daily volume the same as when you pee'd normally?  Also, what is the color?  This can be related to body chemistry or even a psychological problem.  Have you started taking any new drugs lately, either prescribed or OTC, legal or not, or "health" supplements?

  4. We are not doctors here so you should go yo your doctor.  

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