
Health Test?

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Where can i get a test done where i can find out if i have any food intolerences without annoying my gp?




  1. There are many places that can do a food intolerance test for you. Some involve a blood test that is sent in the post some need a face to face consultation.

    The ones I have seen in the UK are

    1) ones held in stores of Holland and Barret where you see a gfood intolerance person and then they test you. No experience of this but it is widely available and I think the cheapest.

    2) Gillian Mc kieth website do a food intolerance test. If you like this kind of diet then the website provides lots of good stuff about lots of aspects of your diet as well as food intolerances

    3) A test provided by Yorktest is recomended by allergy UK and provides a lot of support including two telephone consultations with dietitians after your test.

    I went for Yorktest ans it was usefull for me. And my GP is none the wiser. They don't tend to have a lot of time that someone with a food intolerance needs.

  2. why would you want to get these tests done without your doctor knowing  ??

  3. If you have a Family history of Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, etc. (common in Europeans) tell your GP that you have intestinal problems especially after eating bread, and ask for the test.  As for blanket testing for all food sensitivities, that is very time consuming and expensive, and your doc has to justify his reason for asking for the tests.  If it is just curiosity, you will probably be turned down. You have to have some symptoms that gives him a clue where to look.

  4. I don't think you can Hun,your GP has to arrange this with the hospital and if you did go private he could  refuse to give you the treatment unless you pay for it privately. I would just avoid the foods etc that you think cause you problems and see for yourself how you go.

    Hope this helps Hun and have a good day ;-)

  5. You can check the link below but

    I would speak to your family doctor.
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