
Health insurance- dependent coverage, prenatal covered?

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I was just wondering if prenatal is ever covered for a dependent "child" with health insurance? Does it depend on the company?




  1. are you pregnant and you are wondering if your pregnancy is covered, or is your kid pregnant and you wonder if she is covered?

  2. Yes, and yes. It really depends on each individual insurance.

    If she is a qualified dependent then it will be covered **IF** the parents policy covers maternity. Maternity is not automatic coverage in all circumstances and is a benefit that is being made optional with much greater frequency in those states where the insurance company is not obligated to include it.  The baby however, will not be covered. The dependent of a dependent is not typically a eligible covered dependent on any insurance plan. I've seen insurance plans that would cover a 19 year old child dependent, but, when you check the maternity benefit, she won't be covered unless there is a complication with the pregnancy. So, check your policy details or better yet, call your agent for accurate  information because it really depends on your policy.

    I personally have not seen any plans in my company that automatically cover this.  You may need to look into applying for Medicaid for the grandchild.

  3. If the dependent child is insured under the plan, then they have whatever insurance the plan offers.  

    Many times, maternity benefits - including prenatal care - is NOT covered under the plan.

    It doesn't depend on the company, it depends on which PLAN of the company you have.

  4. Most group policies will cover prenatal for dependant children. In order for the child to be covered after birth (if this is even an option), the grandparent would usually have to adopt the child. For individual policies, the benefits vary from policy to policy.

  5. You will have to look at the contract you signed. Either you have Maternity or you do not have Maternity. Look at the policy. This is something that is added to the policy and is expensive.

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