
Health insurance question.....????(details below)?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone, I am an international student that works at school and doesn't make that much money. I have this insurance that is only for emergencies and I have to pay $483 for the insurance! How often does a person actually have emergencies? I really want to go for doctor visits because I have a feeling that something is wrong. I get really bad chest pains almost as if I am having a heart attack (I don't know what that feels like) but they are bad. I called the insurance company and they said they only cover if I am actually sick or have an injury. I am not sick I just want to find out what is wrong with me so I have to pay from my pocket if I do that. The next payment is due in June but I don't want to pay it because to me it is a waste of money that just sits around and I don't actually use the insurance because I am not sick or have an emergency. Does anyone know of any insurance companies that cover both emergencies and doctor visits? Please help!!! Thank you.




  1. Insurance comes in many different forms and coverage limits, the lower the premium the lower the level of benefits. I would caution against cancelling your current plan without consulting the agent you bought the plan from so they can fully explain the detail so f the product you have. You can also search for a health insurance broker in you area. They can help you compare your plan to other plans that may be in your Price range.

  2. Maybe they aren't understanding you. You may not feel sick but the pain in your chest could be considered an illness or ailment. You insurance should cover it unless you have a deductable to meet. Call them again and tell them that you need to see a doctor because of a pain in your chest and ask them if there is a doctor that they would prefer you to go to (some insurance companies will charge you more for not going to their doctors) and for that doctors information. You can also ask them how much of the cost you will be responsible for.

    good Luck and Feel better

  3. that sounds like something is wrong and they should cover it!

    Otherwise try switching.. to something cheaper.. that gives you % off everytime you go in and only use it for emergencies! it's much cheaper than 483 (a month??)

    and covers hospitalizations and emergencies..

    e-mail me if you need details!

  4. Is that $483 a month?  Super expensive.  A year?  Super cheap.

    A person will have an emergency about once every five years.  The problem is, once you have the emergency, it's too late for the insurance.

    If you're 25 and healthy, a good plan that will cover what you're asking for, should cost you just under $300 a month.

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