
Health insurance wont accept bc of c-section!?

by Guest44631  |  earlier

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I applied for BCBS private insurance and they approved us under the condition that if I needed another c-section it would not be covered. Is this ridiculous or what? Anyone else? If I appeal, what is the best argument to use??




  1. Like any pre-existing condition insurance companies can either exclude the condition or increase the price.  If your paying for a policy that would normally cover maternity but excludes paying for the actual delivery are they going to cover doctor visits, and the associated tests?  If not you might be better off with a policy the does not cover maternity at all.  You do have one more option you or your husband get group insurance.

  2. There's nothing to appeal - BCBS told you the conditions under which they would issue a policy to you.  You can accept the conditions or look elsewhere.

    A private insurer could reject you entirely for medical conditions, so really (even though it might not feel like it) you're "lucky" that they agreed to just exclude future c-sections rather than reject you entirely.

    If you plan to have another c-section in the future, you should try looking at some other insurance companies.  Perhaps there is a different insurance company that won't issue that stipulation.


  3. There's no appeal of an acceptance condition!  C Sections are very expensive, and more than half of them have "complications" (ranging from mild to serious).  

    Even worse, many hospitals and doctors won't allow you to ATTEMPT a vbac, after a C section.  So it's pretty logical - if you've had one C section, and are going to stay with traditional medicine, you're most likely going to have ANOTHER C section if you get pregnant!

    Sorry.  You can't appeal this.  There isn't any contract in place between you and BCBS, yet.

  4. There is nothing you can do to appeal the c section pre-existing condition rider but you can certainly wait 6 months and then re-apply and hope for a different decision.

    One thing that you should certainly do is work with an independent health insurance agent to compare quotes from multiple companies.

    Just because Blue Cross has reached this particular decision does not mean that United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana, etc. will all reach the same decision.

    Here is some more information on pre-existing condition health insurance plans and also some info on finding cheap health insurance:

  5. Its pretty much a take-it-or-leave-it offer.  You can't "appeal."

  6. I've ever ment the similiar thing -- still a little bit annoy,here is the resource tha help me out.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

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