
Health problems and weight loss???

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What are physical problems that can cause you to lose weight with out even trying? Like thyroid problems can cause you to lose wight. What are some other issues that cause this?




  1. Cancer or diabetes but not something to ponder about. Check out with your doctor as soon as possible.  

  2. the most obvious reason would be cancer

    also most infections that weakens your body and make you lose your appetite

    teania saginata infections, tuberculosis, various viral infection...

    theres also the chronic sickness like the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Crohn’s Disease....

  3. A myriad of scientific considerations are applicable to weight loss,even the onset of diabetes or depression.It could even be something as simple as a change in diet or more than usual activity/exercise.It is important to remember that If it continues and you are concerned,get medical advice sooner rather than later as some MORE SERIOUS conditions could be the cause.

    Take care.

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