
Healthy, Successful Eating Plan?

by  |  earlier

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I want to lose a few pounds and stay that way, so I've tried to come up with a plan of healthy food that will keep me full (I know I'll splurge sometimes, but the main thing is that I want to lose weight, and be able to maintain that with healthy, somewhat filling food). Does this sound like it will work? Breakfast: a bowl of cereal with milk...Lunch: sandwich (100% whole wheat bread) with an apple...Dinner: scrambled egg with jelly on a piece of toasted 100% whole wheat bread. And if I get hungry, I'll snack on fruit, a fruit/granola bar, carrots or something like that. Does that sound good? Any advice? Thank you if you can help!




  1. I'm not going to get best answer on this one I think because no one wants to hear the truth which I don't know about a lot of things but I do know about fitness and dieting. Oh well.

    1. We don't know your age, s*x (could be you had a female avatar, I forget), activity level, style of training if you do any exercise at all, routine through the week, your weight height or body composition. Thus, anyone answering so far is just talking out their behind. Know what they're doing? Guessing. Will their advice work? Your "guess" is as good as mine. I "guess" maybe. I don't feel like punctuating those quotations properly.... Actually, what you eat can be totally shifted based on training, timing etc. That diet would be BRUTAL to me even if the portions were greater because of the length of time between meals. I am a male but I've gotten figure girls into the best shape of their.... entire town's female population. Hehehe, hohoho..... Thought I was going to say lives didn't you? (I'm bored.)

    2. Jelley = lot of concentrated sugar. AAAAAnd you're doing it closer to night when you want to be low on the glycemic index if losing weight is your goal. Scratch it.

    3. Some dork up before me said you needed more vegetables in the diet to be healthy. Who the h**l answers questions like that? What KIND of veggies, how much of each type, for which nutrients? Bet s/he has no idea cause s/he's just GUESSING! What a farce any serious fitness professional and definitely doctor would laugh at such a bland vague type of advice, just eat more I can tell there's not enough. Sure check bread for it's content of crappy additives, but scrap that advice on vegetables anyone who thinks you NEED vegetables for any essential nutrient has no imagination whatsoever, sure, vegetables CAN be a good idea at times but they are totally not needed in America - IFFFFFFF you know what you're doing. Even if you don't though just eating a junk load of a bunch of unspecified types won't do you any more good than not bothering so I hope you don't take it that way. The person of unknown gender above me (I can't see their little avatar from this screen) was having a rough day or they don't know what they're talking about. Don't EVER follow advice that vague, demand more quality for your own good.

    4. OK fruit. Uh. Some people don't realize this unfortunately.... I guess you're one of them. Know why fruits are somewhat sweet? Cause most of them are semi to totally loaded with sugar (fructose; the insulin response is not so horrible since the portal vein takes them to the liver and they usually store there better than being dissiminated into the bloodstream but that's just FYI if you like technical stuff). Carrots? Know how you want to be low on glycemic loading since that boosts insulin which tells stuff to store up for later (i.e. more fat unless you've got depleted glycogen muscle levels, more technical junk sorry but I don't want some jerk to come after me and be a #*$&%^ (I'm so annoyed I can't curse at all in this website so I did that myself) and say, but spinietzschon doesn't know what he's talking about cause it's actually a signal to both fat and muscluar cells when insulin binds to cells..... I don't want any loopholes like that just so you know why I'm being dead technical with some of this stuff...) Anyway, about that glycemic level. Carrots are VERY HIGH on the glycemic index. Yup. Healthy? You betcha if vitamin A in a very absorbable medium is needed. Good for weight loss? Nope. Counter productive. Diabetics can't usually even eat carrots cause they're so high up there. Right up with a quarter a pixie stick (ok maybe not but you get the idea. I don't have the numbers to back that up lol...... But trust me when I say the stuff not including the pixie stick).

    You should never have to snack, you should plan more meals, not meals that take any preparation really just simple to make and store and fast as heck to eat meals that take like 120 sec to gobble down and you can do on a bathroom break if your job is demanding with no one being the wiser.

    Ugh just email me leave your email address it seems like I'm helping everyone on yahoo answers this way... ;)

    Or else either way, good luck with your goals and pleasant health.

  2. It sounds pretty good. A few tips though :You need some vegetables in there for good nutrition. Even though the bread may say 100% whole wheat, it doesn't mean its good for you. Check the ingredients list for high fructose corn syrup, as this is added in a lot of "healthy" breads. Granola bars are held together with corn syrup as well, so they aren't the healthiest option. One other thing, check how much sugar is in the jelly, because it is probably full of added sugars too. But overall, it sounds like you're on your way to a healthy diet. Good luck!

  3. I've had the exact same eating plan before and I lost weight.I guarantee you should lose weight but,make sure you stick to the diet and don't go off track to much unlike I did.It should work and I beleive it's pretty healthy.

  4. I think oatmeal is the best option for breakfast because it keeps you fuller longer.  Also, for dinner I think you should add more vegetables. Other than that, that sounds good. Not fattening at all, and whole wheat is a good way to avoid nasty bleached flour.

    Good luck to you!  

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