
Healthy, relatively cheap, easy-to-make, good, filling, work-lunch?

by  |  earlier

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Personal suggestions please? Thanks. :)




  1. Wraps containing lean meats

    Sandwiches on whole grain bread, with darker lettuces, tomato

    Green salads topped with any combination of the above;  lean meat, chick peas or black beans, chopped egg, feta cheese, sliced almonds

    Hummua with raw veggies, pita bread or crackers, and some cheese

    Pasta salad with chopped meat and cheese, or chopped raw veggies and beans

    Leftovers from dinner the night before

    Lentil salad

    Eggless salad

    Homemade soups (very easy to make) - put in microwavable container

    Pack fresh fruit and bottled water with it.  Or a baggie of dried fruit and nuts)

  2. vegan or not ?

    slices of turkey and homos in whole grain bread is awesome.

    if you give me a list of your fave  ingredient i can think of something better.

  3. i suppose you should eat either your nationality's food or just get a salad and some chicken.  

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