
Healthy snack food other then fruit?

by  |  earlier

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Im so bored with fruit, what are other healthy snack foods that won't go straight to my ***.




  1. theres some nonfat yogurt, instead of eating straight fruits, try those [: i bought 10 for 5$ [: (50 cent each)

  2. Well, here is a list. (:

    --Fruit(Aha, I know you said other than, but just a reminder. They are great for you.)

    --Water. (Seriously, drink it a lot!)

    --Luna Bars. (Best tasting health bar EVER.)

    --Trail Mix



    --Yogurt and Granola

    --Crackers With Topping (Not Ritz with Cheese. (: Maybe Wheat Thins with Peanut Butter. Or something.)

    --Celery and Peanut Butter


    --Cabbage (Ew, but it helps you burn fat.)



    --Rice Cakes

    --Half of a Small Bagel

    --Smoothie (pref. with fruits, soy milk, and veggies mixed in.)

    Good luck, and have fun!

  3. Cereal Bars Such As Nutri Grain... Erm Nuts Buh Not The Salted Ones...  

  4. raw veggies, low fat yogurt, small amounts of nuts, half a sandwich (peanut butter or lean meat on one slice of whole wheat bread),  

  5. Nuts, veggies,crackers theres lots if you think about it!

  6. 100 calorie mini bag of popcorn. i eat that almost every night!  

  7. trailer mixes with nuts

  8. The 100 calorie snacks are the best. I live by them. They are great.

  9. A little of everything is ok so eating SOME fruit is ok but don't think that they are some kind of magic food, people say that fruits are healthy but in excess they are not.

    They are full of sugar. If you eat too many you'll just get fat and diabetic.

    Vegetables are the real good stuff. Eat lots of veggies. But the main rule is to eat what-is-on-season-now

    so personally I am eating grapes, cucumbers, salad of about ten kinds, tomatoes, figs, potatoes, many types of beans, 4 or 5 types of onions and garlick, extravirgin olive oil only recently pressed, I coul do on.  

  10. yogurt, nuts, celery, carrots

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