
Healthy travel for mom and baby:El Salvador?

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No specific advice from pediatrician,except to contact the local health dept. Also the consular travel site gives general information. What can I take and/or avoid during my week long travel to E.S. in 2 weeks? I may not be nursing my 8 month old as I thought I would to keep her healthy-she's teething and has started the painful habit of biting. How easy is it for a young baby to bounce back from "travel illness"? What should I keep on had as first aid for her? And what is it exactly that makes you sick in El Salvador? I went before last year (when I was still pregnant) I was sick the whole time, but I don't know how much was from the food/water and how much was from the pregnancy. All advice on how to stay safe and healthy is welcome. We will be in San Salvador and my guest will be taking us to the beach.




  1. Hi, i was born in El Salvador, but dont actually live there at the moment, but i do visit every couple of years.

    On my last trip, I was there from November to Febuary this past year. In my 3 month stay, i was never sick.

    For me the whole getting sick thing is 99% mental. I mean, I ate food from street vendors, at the market, at restuarants and drank unpurified well water from a family farm and i never got sick.

    To me the reason that some people get sick is cause they go to the country thinking "i'm gonna get sick, because of the food or water" If you think like that then no doubt you will get sick.

    But like i said, for me it's 99% mental, but you do have to take care of that other 1%. Before i went on my trip i was told to get some injections, i had to get Hep B and Typhoid. I was also told to buy maleria tablets but didn't. I was told that unless your going deep into the bush, then there really isn't any need for maleria tablets. If your gonna stay in SS, then maleria shouldn't be a problem.

    Apart from these preemptive measures, there really is nothing else you can do. If you really are scared of getting sick, then stay away from buying food at markets. Go to SuperSelectos (Dont buy at La Despensa de Don Juan) and buy all your foods there. Most houses in El Salvador get water delivered to them so, make sure you dont drink straight water from the tap, but rather the water that is delivered or the bottled water you buy at the shops.

    As for your child. I really cant give you any information on that front. I'd just say to keep her on baby food for the week. Not really sure how 8 month old babies operate, but its probably your safest bet :)

    Oh and as for the beach, you should have a GREAT time, we got some of the best beaches in the world. Just be carefull with the tides, they can get pretty strong and pull you in sometimes if you go in too deep.

    Oh and if you are gonna go to the beach then you'll probably end up having, un cocktail de conchas or ostras. Now, they look good and taste GREAT, but again, if you want to take every precaution to not get sick, then give them a miss. Or make sure that you get them at a clean restaurant. (Hot tip: if you wont to make sure the restaurant is well kept, and the food is good then cheak the toilets, if there dirty then dont eat, if there clean then eat all you can)

    Ok, thats about all the advice i can give you. Hope you have a great time. And dont get sick.

    God Bless

    *If you have any other questions on El Salvador, please dont hesitate to email me :)

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