
Healthy ways to deal with stress

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this summer has been the worst for me. june my house was flooded and i was forced to move out. 6 months ago i was diagnosed with diabetes. ive been sick non stop for 6 months now and ive been a lab rat now for 4 different doctors that find me to be a medical mystery. i had to leave my job cause of being sick all the time. saw an oncologist and they had me scared to death i had cancer. that came back good atleast. i have had no medical problems until the past year. little things stressing me out. my best friend is moving away. my sister moved 2 hours from me. my car got broken into. money problems as a result of being sick and not working. my boyfriend has been very very good to me and supportive but i can tell he is a little upset with me. im feeling sick and cant do things with him all the time. he feels bad leaving me home and wont go out with his friends and such. it feels good to finally vent all this. im only 24 by the way..

my family isnt a good support network. and my boyfriend does what he can. i dont have many good friends because all they want to do is drink and party and not grow up. i feel so alone all the time and cant find anyone to talk to and release the stress im dealing with. i know there are people out there worse off then me. but im the one who is use to being the one everyone goes to.. the level headed responsible one who keeps the family together and such. but where does one go when im the one who needs a sholder to cry on?

im a private person and i dont like to draw attention or cause drama. but can anyone relate to how im feeling and what do you to release stress of life in general??




  1. There are a lot of little things you can do to relieve stress. You could take a bath, pamper yourself. Try doing yoga or meditation. Both have proven effective in the healing process. Write about how you feel, it could be in journal form or poetry. Draw, paint, or sketch. There are people out there who can be great support. Here are some sites that can provide you with some resources to find the support you need.

    Take care, I hope things turn around for you.

  2. Deep breathes, lots of water, and rest.

  3. Give up and start laughing.  There's a certain breaking point in all humans.  Find the irony in it all and just laugh at it.  Blow it off and take a "devil may care" attitude.

    Even though you say you are a 'private' person,  we all go through this.  It's just a matter of people bumping into eachother and not realising how much you connect.   We all need a really good cry.  It might really surprise you if you told your Mom or girlfriend, or friend or a stranger on the street that you needed to cry. Someone will be there because that is the human condition.  We all break down and cry and seek out someone to cry with.  It's okay!

  4. I go fishing  

  5. I know what your going threw. what I do is that I go to my home and listen to rock music and just dance around as funny as you can. Make yourself laugh. Its a good work out and can help get get rid of stress ^ ^

    Tell me how it works out.

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