
Healthy ways to make your b***s bigger? ?

by Guest58933  |  earlier

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I was wondering if there is a safe and healthy way to make my b***s bigger..i'm flat chested and i'm 19 i'm a size A...but i would like to be at least a size C..or maybe even a i have to drink lots of milk..or does breast feeding make them bigger...idk i just need advice to know the healthy way to make them bigger without pills or surgery?




  1. mine is A cup too lol...Im 22...

    try breast massage and exercise

  2. I personally don't know. But my Mom and Uncle told me onions make them grow, but I stayed away from them but they came anyways sooo.

    Breast feeding does make them bigger but that wears off and then you have to get pregnant for that. Maybe just sticking with Victoria's Secret little stuff things, or push up bras. I'm sorry I don't really know what to tell you.

  3. there's no way to make it bigger, unfortunately. My family has a B except for me and I'm still wondering why. o_o

  4. i want to make mine bigger too. my mom n sister have the bigger ones:/ but i was looking at this website from Glamour Magazine in the ads section. pills for enlarging them, naturally. i called the place and they said it takes 3-4 months to grow a full cup size. it's like $300 though. u should check it out they also said they have a 87% success rate and money back guarantee.

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