
Hear that food prices are going to soar after saturday?

by  |  earlier

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Dr Ron Paul is the only candidate that wants to stop this.The others are getting payed by corporate america to snow us on this.Research people.You are about to get burned if you don't.




  1. I guess we're all going to starve to death when the rice is gone.I have put my house up for sale or will trade for a 100 pound bag of rice. I just traded my car for McDonald's coupon books. With the dollar menu there I can eat pretty good for awhile. God help us all. Wait a minute Jesus can turn the water into wine and multiply the food we do have. The problem has been solved your church will feed you don't worry.

  2. Frank is that you???

    I'll bet you also stock piled food because you believed that the world was going to end January 1, 2000.

  3. i shopped today...i did not want to fight the surge...if there is one.  i got my rice three days ago, wierd.  i still only have enough for a couple weeks.  

    i think we will wake up and things will be very different. i wonder if i will have a job next month

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