
Heard Ricky Martin just had twins via a surrogate.?

by Guest63979  |  earlier

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This is interesting. Anyone else think so?




  1. Wow, this was unexpected. But did he ever give any hints about wanting kids or being a single parent? I never knew he was with the bollywood singer! Wow. This was a good question. It is interesting how the news hasn't said much about this matter.  

  2. Yeah I just read about this myself ......Ricky has always been cute to me but I never heard that he was married or anything and I heard g*y rumors about him so I assume the g*y rumors are true why else would he need a surrogate ? But congrats to him anyway....

  3. OH whoa..i actually forgot he was even alive??...yes, this is interesting....Surrogate...hmmmm..clay aikin=surrogate...i think we know what this means....ofcourse its perfectly fine :)

  4. yes he did.

  5. yyh Congrats to him - the last relationship i remember him havin was with that bollywood actress Sushmita Sen who inspired his song MAria.

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