In any city, in any country, go to any mental instituion. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of the End". Should a look of child-like fear come over the workers face, you will then be taken to a cell in the building. All you will hear is the sound of someone talking to themselves echo the halls. It is in a language that you will not understand, but your very soul will feel unspeakable fear.
The person will only respond to one question. What happens when they all come together? The person will then stare into your eyes and answer your question in horrifiying detail. Many go mad in that very cell, some disappear soon after the meeting, a few end their lives. But most do the worst thing and look upon the the object in the person's hands. Be warned, if you do your death will be that of cruelity and unrelenting horror.
Your death will be in that room, by that person's hands.
This object is 1 of 538. They must never come together.