
Heard about Bernie Ward the ex catholic priest who was sent to prison for dealing in child p**n?

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Quite a group.....




  1. I would not be surprised

  2. He got 7 years.  Wonder how many times he was alone with a child in the confession booth?  What was he doing while the kids were confessing?  What a creep.

  3. The Catholic Church does seem to attract these types like flies on p**p.  What's up with that?

    It's tragic... I used to really enjoy his radio show.

  4. Get a grip he was a priest for exactly two years and not one at the time of his arrest. He was a liberal talk show host

  5. no...........see current events........

    wash the brain out

  6. I just did some quick research and found out he was a priest many years ago but is currently an anti-Catholic liberal. Prison is a good place for this lapsed Catholic.

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

  7. I think he is an ex Catholic( and even hostile to Catholicism) and that is quite a group

    2-4% of Catholic priests(livng,long dead and long ex priests included) have  been accused ( not convicted,even, in most cases)of pederasty (male same-s*x "hitting' on teens which is what 86% or so of the accused former Catholic clergy  are accused of) but Catholic -haters want to slander all Catholic priests with pedophile smears.

    See how many Papist- haters come out for this!

  8. He was a Catholic priest for only 2 years, from 1977-1979. After that, he worked for Barbara Boxer for 3 years. I think that's what turned him into a pervert.

  9. Heard about the long list of rabbis who molested kids but which got no media attention?

  10. Now the Catholic Church is being blamed for what ex-priests do!?!

    Mr Ward was ordained in 1977 and left the priesthood two years later.

    The trial said that Mr Ward committed his crimes starting in 2005 and he was arrested in 2007.

    According to this time-line there were 26 years between Mr Ward leaving the priesthood and committing his crimes.

    With love in Christ.

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