
Heard any cute things from a kid lately?

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Kids are sooo funny and they say the cutest stuff! I dyed my hair a dark red color yesterday, and today I saw my little neice who is 3. She said "Kissa (she can't say my name well, so that's how she says it lol) I love your strawberry hair!" LMAO Just wondered if anyone else heard anything cute from a kid lately.




  1. My son came up to me and said, "Daddy, where's mumma?" And I said, "In the bathroom, buddy." My son (who is four) groans. "Whats wrong?" "Daddy, you were right, women ARE always in the bathroom!!!" My best friends were there, and their kids. The oldest 9whose 16) lost it completly! My son goes (after the teenager stopped laughing), "I thought he was gona pee his pants!" I laughed. The teen goes, "Naw, dude. You just have some funny sayings." My son says, "You sound like your girlfriend!" His girlfriend is American. So, my wife comes out of the bathroom, and my son says. "mommy1 Finally!" When she giggled, he threw his hands up in the air and exclaimed, "Women!!' The whole room exploded with laughter. It was the funniest thing. My daughter laughed, and she didn't know why either.

  2. I work at Wal-Mart, and I was volunteered to go up and help ring out customers one day. When I got back to the photo lab to do my job, there was a page on the intercom thanking everyone who came up to help check customers out. I said "Yeah right, brown nosers."

    A little girl was sitting in the cart at the counter right by me, arguing with her little brother (who was sitting in the basket). She overheard my comment, turned to her brother and said "BROWN NOSER!" XD


  4. My daughter said to me... "get a bottle", "put some milk in it", "bring it to me", "and I'll do the rest"

  5. My daughter has trouble saying the tr sound and it comes out as the f sound.  The other day, my brother's girlfriend pulled into the drive in my brother's truck and my daughter was pointing at her and saying "Uncle John's f***!"  over and over for all the neighbors to hear.

  6. prayer at dinner -thank you Jesus for Mommy's breasties  

  7. Me and my husband was dropping the kids off at my moms for a the night. Well before leaving my younger sister came over and said ''were you guys going tonight'' I said probably nowhere just watch a movie and go to sleep. Well my mom calls me after we drop the kids off asking me '' what did you say in front of Izabel'?? I said well nothing I know of y ? She says well you guys were pulling outta the driveway she told me ''yea gma my moms going home to sleep with my dad!!lol. My mom took it the wrong way!! lol.  

  8. Me step brother and sister, before i met them.

    my step brother Kadin, was taking a bath (he was about 1) and his sister Ainsley (she was maybe 2 Or 4) was watching there mom was them.

    Ainsley points to kadins privets and asked "Moma whats that?"

    and she said "That's his p***s"

    Ainsley nodded "Ohh,"

    so a couple minutes go by, and There grandma comes in, ainsley turns to her and say's "Nana! Kadin has peanuts, an i'm gunna eat them!"

    and everyone started laughing xD

    and her mom was like "No you're not! I said p***s,"

  9. About 4 months ago we started trying to potty train our 2 year old son.  We had previously been calling his p***s his "pe-pe" and for potty training purposes in order to avoid confusion with "pee-pee" we told him it was a p***s and what comes out is pee-pee.  Anyway - he talked about it for a day or two and seemed to have forgotten all about it.  Today I was changing into shorts and he saw my underwear and he said, "Mommy, is that your big boy underwear?"  I told him it was my big girl underwear, (LOL) and then he asked me, "Where's your p***s?  Is it in your underwear?" I told him that I did not have a p***s, penises are for boys.  He nodded knowingly and said, Oh yeah.  You just have a butt."  

  10. Today my 4 year old asked me if we could make colorful pancakes in the morning for breakfast ( we add a drop of food coloring to the pancake batter) and I told her "We'll see" and she turned to her dad and said "Daddy, that's what mommies say when they don't have an answer" and he just lost it! It was soooooooo funny!

  11. I know what you mean. I love hearing the crazy things children say.

    Recently, one of my sons classmates (daycare/ he's 2 1/2) had a birthday so he has been telling everyone "Happy Birthday!" randomly; when I tell him "Happy Birthday" back he says "Ka-chu" (he can't say "Thank You" correctly.

    If you like hearing silly children you must watch this video!

  12. My 3 year old niece took off all her clothes except her panties, and put on a rain poncho without my sister seeing.  She went outside with my sister to play, and proceeded to walk up and down the sidewalk screaming "GET OUT OF MY WAY PEOPLE!" (there was nobody outside but her and my sister).  My sister couldn't see any shorts on underneath the poncho and asked her where they were.  Her reply was "When I get hot mommy, I take off my clothes!" lol

  13. i fed my 1 year old cuz some chocolate and she stood up on the coach,shook her head while saying "gurrrb" and then fell down (on purpose) and giggles !  :P

  14. This little 3 year old i was babysitting was like I walked in Jennifer Whats your name i thought it was so cuite

  15. My son told me that kids think that I am his big sister lol He's 4...I was soooooo flattered!....I am almost 29 by the way :)

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