
Heard it wasn't bad, but want opinions?

by  |  earlier

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So is it bad to be real tight? I don't have s*x too often, and when i do, i'm told i'm really really really tight, last time the guy lasted like 1 min. and he said it was b/c i was so tight, he said it wasn't a bad thing but i want another opinion




  1. Well first, it's not bad but you are prob tight if you haven't been having s*x for a while and often. Second, if you don't wanna be so tight, then you most likely just need to relax more.  

  2. i kinda snickered alittle when i read this...ITS NOT A BAD THING! guys enjoy 100% what guy would want a girl who was "loose" as long as you enjoyed it who cares!! so dont worry  

  3. ok not bad being tight, and the little boys telling you this are just trying to fill your mind with BS lol!!! trust me, they cant last cuz they suck, and are probably so excited just to be with you that they explode on contact! You are fine, and tight is good, who wants a loose goose?

  4. I love tight girls the tighter the better

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