
Heard of an car insurance company called DIRECT?

by Guest31843  |  earlier

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The company in Raleigh, NC tried to charge me 26% interest for "low monthly payments", slipped $400 worth of unwanted "options" and would not give me my check back when I told them I didn't want to do business with them. Even though I didn't sign the contracts, they deposited my check and applied for an insurance policy in my name. They called the police on me when I went back to demand my money. The police officer told me to report them to the North Carolina Attorney General. I did and eventually got all my money back. Just want to know if someone else has had a bad experience with this company?




  1. WOW!  Are they online?  I will definitely use this information for future reference.

    But, the best advice for you is to never provide anyone with a check before you do plenty of comparison shopping.  I like to search for friendly websites that will give me at least 3 comparison leads.

  2. It's a  real live company.  

    You have to file your complaint, in writing, with the state insurance commissioner.  \

    Part of your problem, I think, is trying to "avoid the agent".  You probably thought you'd save money by "going direct".  It frequently can come back to haunt you . . . either through undisclosed stuff, or through your breezing past all the disclaimers, and them not bothering to point the down side out to you.

    I'd strongly suggest you use an independent agent when you want to buy your car insurance - they'll compare policies, and disclose the little "gotchas" to you, before you have all the problems.

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