
Heard that marina south BBQ has closed is it true? If yes can i know what is the reason?

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Heard that marina south BBQ has closed is it true? If yes can i know what is the reason?




  1. yes they did recently close bacause of financial problems

  2. Some possible reasons:

    Prices too expensive

    Location too far

    It is pretty hard to go there by public transport and there is only 1 bus from Marina Bay MRT and also parking lots there are very hard to find.

    Food too salty (it has been complained that they purposesly add a lot of salt so that you will buy drinks from the drinks stall)

    A lot of new BBQ stalls spring up around the heartland of Singapore which include Beach Road and Geylang East.

  3. well, not really sure about that though, and if you want to have a bbq meal, you can view this local Sg site 88db and search for the BBQ restaurants like BBQ Chicken

  4. yes, its a pity as it was quite fun

  5. OMFG BBQ!

    Its closed.

  6. Thanks for sounding us out!  I am surprise!  OMG

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