
Hearing aid wearers please?

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i have some mild deafness in both my ears, with behind the ear hearing aids, will i still be able to get a job and go university or college and become successful?




  1. The only jobs you can't realistically do are those that require the ability to directly hear certain things.

    Profoundly deaf people can drive vehicles with no problem, use a TTY telephone, and use an interpreter or simply write to interact with hearing people. There's no reason they can't be an actress (think of Marlee Matlin), doctor, lawyer or even president of the USA.  By comparison, mild deafness is a non-issue.  I would think you should do fine in any regular hearing university, but if you are interested, there is even a university specifically for deaf people:

    In fact, you might not even be deaf "enough" for them to accept you.  (I don't know their policies or the level of your deafness.)

    Under the ADA ( ), most places cannot disqualify you for employment based solely on your deafness.

  2. Yes, you will still be able to get a job and go to an university or a college and become a successful person.

  3. Of course. People with moderate and severe deafness gets job, go to university, and are successful. It is about your attitude more than anything else - think success and you will be successful!!

  4. Of course you will don't let it hinder you,I wear a hearing aid in both ears.have been through uni and law school.And I am now a lawyer

    Good luck to you



  5. Yes...the only thing that can keep you from getting a god job or is university yourself...

  6. If you decide to you can. Its really a matter of personal choice more then anything.

    I suggest learning Asl and using an interpreter if you can. You may not  need that as you use hearing aids, but an interpreter  does help with understanding and you do have a legal right to sign.

  7. The only thing that could keep you back is you. If you feel having a hearing impairment will hold you back, it will. If you don't think it will, it won't!

    I had a friend in high school who was deaf (no hearing whatsoever). He graducated with honours from high school, went on to college (there were qquite a few colleges competing for him because he was sooo smart). He used a tranlator in some classes, lipread in some, and then there were his friends, like myself, who learned assic ASL to speak with him so he didn't have to use his translator or write everything down.

    One of his English classes, the teacher had the class learn sign language as the year went by (on a voluntary basis, not for grade, but no one in the class was against learning). At the end of the year, David did a presentation in simple sign language without his translator, and everyone in his class followed him well. It was very empowering for him to be able to communicate in his own way and be understood.

    People with disabilities can live, study, and work with non-pwd's, and do all the time. Like I said, only thing that could hold you back is you, so unfold your wings and fly away!

  8. Duh! Even profound Deaf can still succesful. Only thing will hold you back is you!

  9. there is one problem you may find as myself am half deaf when trying to find work is that you class as a health and safety risk witch makes it very hard to find work, but collage and university you will have know problem,just work hard and doors will open for you,best of luck

  10. of course you can; i am mild deaf and wear hearing aids, im doing well at school and i go to a college course; don't worry, you'll be fine if you work at it  

  11. i think so they cant discriminate.

  12. Yes!!!

    When you get to that stage of your life there are many different services out there that will help you with that. i work in the disability services sector, all universitys/colleges have a disability officer that will support you through out your course and help you achieve all your goals.  

  13. Of course. Your hearing has no bearing whatsoever on your intelligence or capability.  

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