
Hearing songs in your dreams??

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ok soo does it mean anything specific when you hear a song in your dreams?? other than the fact that it maybe be just stuck in your

ive been hearing that new song "i'm not over" by carolina liar..idk if it makes a difference what song.. but does it mean anything??

thanks :)




  1. i'm guest Guest504940 just sharing one more lyric from my dreams. the sequence was a man singing and everyone was running a race. then this toad figure (from mario, you know, the game) fell down ane was passed by everyone. so he just started to stray from everyone and wandered away. any way heres the lyrics.

    "i cannot keep in line. please don't fall behind, play with everyone to search my mind. and when i do lonely is this world to find"

    that is all. btw made a new song. not like dream music but it'd cool if u could check it out not a guitar player so sorry!


  2. i hear music all the time in my dreams. i recreated one.. i'll post the link below this post. i also hear songs that i know as well. most of the times they are just a bit different than in waking life, but my dream music has more melodic melodies than music when your awake. what i noticed is that, it's hard to explain, but the melodies have alot of the same tone. like, lets for example use some music notes. A-A-A-C-C-E-C-C, and repeats. some variation too but i don't remember them. also had some dreams where i remember the lyrics. i'll post them here

    "we're always waiting for the, waiting for the outside" - was quite a dark one

    "Broken Skies, one a broken wing (?) The Goddess cries as the angel sings (i made this one up haha probably), You know how the story goes, it's old/ You can't keep going back"

    and one more that i'll beriefly try to write

    "all the super stars, think they're real cool, all these cool cars, all theres real jewels, but whats really cool, is the real you" - which is totally off the mark but the point is still there

     so this is really long, i'll wrap this up with the beat that i made that has the music i heard in the dream. only the drum pattern and the synth i made up cause i couldnt remember, but the sax and the chords, bass, was all in the dream. it had rapper Mac Miller rapping on it, which makes sense in a way. so here it is.

    so enjoy, and i hope that information can inform you or w/e haha. be safe everyone :)



  3. @Guest16725595 @Guest16667748

    Yeah this sorta thing happens to me all the time too, usually when i'm just about to go to sleep or just about to wake up, after a lack of sleep i think, sometimes complete guitar riffs just appear in my head, and quite a few times i've managed to remember them and get up and write them down, they're always original too. Other times complete songs have just appeared out of no where, just fully formed with multiple parts and it sounds awesome.

  4.  Yeah i understand this theme of the day thing, but in my experience, ive been able to manifest people that actually sing and play guitar, people that ive never heard sing in my life, and it sounded pretty cool, i dont recall the words at all, in any of my musical dreams, or the song. most of the time its songs ive never heard in my life, which i think that they probly dont exsist,or maybe im not sure, i usually just dance, along. 


    On another occation, when i was lucid in a dream, first i was aware of my sleeping state, and ofcourse since im a dreamer i got supper stoked, so i was saying f**k yeah im lucid its been a while so first i decide to swim in this rivier, since i cant swim in real life haha, then i decited to fly because ive heard friends say they have flown and they insisted that i should try it because it was fun as h**l. so i did, (which was amazing) i flew too high up because as i wanted to land on top of a sky scraper i thought to myself oh no, im not going to like the feeling of this. since im afraid of hights and the feeling of falling, i spimply blinked and i was on the building, so i didnt get to feel that horrible feeling,. all of a sudden, i hear loud a*s music, like dnb, which i love. so yeah me loving dnb might have been the cause of that song. but the insane thing about that was, as soon as i tried to teleport, which i would always do,(doesnt work this way anymore) i usually used to close my eyes and think of the place i wanted to go and i would open them and i was there. but this time i closed my eyes and when i opend them i found myself paralized  on my bed. and i astral project as well, so i love sleep paralysis, but i dont like the things my subconscious projects. i hear alot of voices sometimes theyre not even in a language i even speak. but to me the thing that scares me is the voices i hear in my head, since its not my thinking voice . so that music playing was acutally a good thing i guess my subconscious manifested sound, really loud sound so that i wouldnt hear voices in this other realm i woke up in,. which worked. and gave me the confidence to tell this projection to f**k off. and he did. 

  5. I woke up with a song stuck in my head and is killing me what does it mean, I am sure I dreamed but don't remmember what the dream was... I exactly know the words of the song... goes  like this : "Please, let me find a cure for my heart,Understand,I don't wanna be the other, but I want so much to hug u and at least one last time to kiss your eyes". And the true is I am going through a brake up I can easaly find my self in the song and the meaning but why is it there? please help

  6. mine is the same story with you guys.. the dream was that i was in a car and i was holding a cd album so i just played it.. the song i heard is like a full band song.. i even remember that i love the sound of the bass, and overall the song was really cool..and at the of the song i woke up and found out it was 00.00.. what a coincident.. i never know the song, nver heard it, and it maybe never exist...
    i still remember the last part of the lyrics which is repeated.. it sounds like "i'll be there for not that long".. when i just woke up i still remember the melody of that last part.. but forgotten soon after..
    and i also remember a word on the cd, written maybe "fooling all in a way", if im not mistaken.. that 2 sentences which the only thing i can noted when i woke...

    what do you think a bout that..
    is it have any supernaturalic meaning??

  7. i had a rock song in my dream it doesnt exist and when i woke up i couldnt remember any of it and it really stressed me out if only you could have a device that captures your dream so you could play it over it would be fantastic

  8. I'm an electro musician and i had a really strange dream last not yet popular with my music but what happend is a friend pulled up in a car next to me as i was walking in a street, they where listening to the radio and the song that i made came on the radio,it was like the first time i heard it played on the radio was very happy? can anyone decode this strange mystery pleaseee,Dont want to call s****. dooby doo.
    Dj leeroy

  9. For a little over a year now, I will hear music that I have never heard before in my dreams.  I try my hardest to wake up when it happens and voice record it on my cell phone. When I do awake, I will only remember bits and pieces of lyrics and music.
    On one occasion, when in slumber I realized what was going on and took notice while sleeping, that I was hearing not only music, but instruments and voices. Unfortunatly, when I finally did wake I could not remember any of this song, only the recollection of the details I heard.
    I think that our minds are more aware and highly creative when we sleep.  I have even had a poem come to me when I was in and out of sleep.  Sort of in limbo or on the verge of sleep.  In this poem were words and fragments I do not use when awake.  I am not a writer at all, and am often at a loss for words in my waking state, but I am astounded by the fact that our minds are so highly creative, more than we are aware of.

  10. Sometimes I hear songs in my dreams that don't exist, sometimes by bands that are real. They sound like the band, vocally, but the songs are just in my head. And sometimes I write music in my dreams but forget them a little while after waking up. Once I woke up, played it, went back to sleep, and forgot it soon after. Does this happen to anyone else?

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