
Heart Palpitations?! ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not over weight.

I'm not under weight (if that makes a difference)

but i regularly get heart palpitations, its not even when i do exercise, it happens when i am just sat down.

does anyone know why?

plus if you say anything about going to the doctors.. i have told my parents about it and they don't believe me, they said it will go... its been like this for about 1 year now and i am convinced its getting worse...




  1. How old are you?  I've had them since I was about 14, and still do occasionally.  They are real, and most of the time the doctors won't find them unless there's a real heart problem (which usually there isn't) or unless it happens at the exact time they're listening to your heart.  This is what causes mine: worry, caffeine, cigarettes, chocolate, low blood sugar from not eating, dehydration.  I used to get them when I was a teenager really bad because all I did was smoke, drink coffee, and eat candy bars and never drank any water.  Now they only happen when I don't eat, drink coffee, and then get put in a situation that makes me nervous.  Also, worrying about the palpitations will make them worse.

  2. I can only relate my personal medical details regarding my palpitations to you and then it's up to you to do what you think is best for you.

    I put up with palpitations for many years thinking it was panic attacks or the like and as I had a poor rapport with my then GP did not mention them to him however on changing GP and practice my new doctor discovered that I was and had been suffering from Arrhythmia for quite some time - this condition(described simply)triggers some muscle heart cells to become electrically charged and set up a 'beat' independent of the usual regular heartbeat so in effect I now have two heartbeats the 'irregular' and the regular one thereby causing palpitations at any time at rest or at play.

    I am now awaiting an operation called an ablation which entails passing an electrode up through a vein in my leg and into my heart where the irregular cluster of cells will be eradicated with microwaves, this operation I am reliably informed is 99% succesfull.

    Now I must stress this is my condition and may not apply to you or others but I feel sure that to put your mind at rest you should visit your own GP for your own piece of mind - I wish now that I had had the courage to speak to mine earlier - you will not be dismissed if your concerns are genuine nor will you be reprimanded if you are given the all clear, so it's up to you.....good luck


  3. Perhaps you are deficient in magnesium as that can cause heart palpitations.  There is plenty of magnesium in nuts and also a bit in bread and cereals.
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