
Heart Shunt Surgery?

by Guest66490  |  earlier

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My grandma is about to have a shunt placed in her heart. I was wondering what the survival/success rate of this. She is 63 and her artery is 75% blocked. Thank you.




  1. all surgery runs a risk small but still there  as for placing a stent its treded through  a artery

  2. Do you mean a "stent" ? Is she having open heart surgery or cardiac catheterization. Both have good sucess rates, cardiac catheterization is much less invasive, ibt if she has a blockage in a BIG artery (called LAd or left anterior descending artery) or several arteries she may be going for a bypass (open heart surgery) which would obviously be more serious with is very successful but has a longer recovery and more complications. Do u know which she is getting done?

  3. ok. some clear cut points. If she is going for "stenting" it is not actually a surgery. it's an invasive procedure done by cardiologist not but a surgeon and don't require opening chest. The fact is that 75% block in Left main or its branches may require surgery. but it seems she has not Left Main Problem. Don't worry cardiac surgery is so developed and safe that its just like taking a safe journey to europe by a luxury plane.  
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