
Heart Stent question .. please help! ?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know some stuff

my husband was told recently he needs to get a stent put in and he wants to wait till nov which is like 2 and a half months away

cuz he is workin in a differnt state on a job he cant leave

but even if he does make an appt right now will he be able to get in .. in nov? how long did it take u or someone u know to get the appt set up and how long to recover and go back to work from it????




  1. Calm down, you can get some information on As a nurse i work in a unit receiving patient after heart catheterism and stent placement. the hospital stay will last from 24-72 hrs, depends on your husband heart issues. An estimate recovery is around a 1-2 weeks if he don't have complications.  

  2. Nobody is going to be able to give you a useful answer.

    How long before he can get in, depends on his particular insurance company, and a lot of other factors, like if they think he's in big danger, then they're going to get him in immediately.

    I know one guy, who had a heart attack, and he had his stent the next day.

    Recovery time, same thing - it depends on his condition. Everyone's different.

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