
Heart set on going on a student exchange??

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Ok well i'm 14 and my badly want to go on a student exchange to America. I really, really, really want to go. I live in New Zealand so as you can imagine it is more expensive from here because of the distance away. I have had a good look at the various programs (AFS, EF etc) and I have talked to mum about it but the main issue is the cost. We are not poor but I have other siblings and she said thats she is not willing to spend that much money on it. I have had a look at scholaships but they mostly have a maximum amount of like $2000 for example so it would still cost at least $7000. I really need your help as I badly want to go. What should I do?? any advice??




  1. Well, my first advice to you is NOT to come to the U.S.!

    Since I'm a U.S. citizen, you may wonder why.

    OK, here goes. One of the primary benefits of an exchange year is language immersion! The ability to learn and function in a second (or third) language is invaluable and will really add to your career! Since you are from NZ, you obviously speak English! Therefore, you should highly consider an exchange to an area of the world where you can pick up another language. This might also help persuade your mother to help out more!

    Second, look at Rotary International! They are the cheapest exchange organization ... but most competitive! You may have to apply once or twice to get in, but if you do, it's very affordable.

    Third, like another poster suggested, get a job! If you can show you've worked for a couple of years and saved, perhaps your mother would help more AND you will impress the organizations' scholarship committees.

    Fourth, once you are accepted, you can get some sponsorships to help you. Many community groups will donate a few hundred here and there, especially if you agree to send a monthly or quarterly update on your stay (make sure to do it) and give them a presentation when you return.

    Finally, since you are only 14 you have a year to wait and should wait at least two. That will give you time!

    For more ideas, check out ... a community of exchange students.

    Good luck!

  2. get more than one scholarship... most people will pay like 100 here 200 there... it adds up but you have to work at it..

    good luck

  3. Well, I thinks its cool you want to do this. I was thinking though, maybe you could wait a year or two and during that time you're waiting you could work on getting that scholarship and also do some fund raising to try and raise the funds for the whole thing. I know its not what you want to hear probably but its just my suggestion.

    By the way what part of the United States were you wanting to stay in?

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