
Heartbreaking......please help.......?

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A little of my background:

I am one of four children, (3 from my mums first marriage to my dad, and the fourth from her second marriage) im a mature nearly 23, live with my partner and im engaged, i have a younger sister 18 who is expecting her first child in seven weeks and lives on her own, my younger brother is 12 and lives with my mum and her fiance in the isle of wight along with my other brother who is 8.

My mum is 41 and recently had a heart bypass having suffering several heart attacks over the last few years, along with a stroke, which she has now recovered from.

She has suffered with diabetes for the last 11 years and is insulin dependant and was also diagnosed early on in the year with having PVD (peripheral Vascular Disorder) which basically effects her circulation (blockages in her veins) and after speaking to her surgeon she has been told that she will have to have her legs amputated and if the problem is not controlled over the years her arms will also have to be amputated. The surgeon said he has never seen a case in such a young patient and he has also never seen the disease grow so rapidly, people who have the disease are normally elderly.

My mum now struggles to cope with the two young boys at home on her own, 1- because of her mobility 2- because of the pain and 3- as she gets depressed about her situation.

Both myself and my sister and the rest of the family live in the midlands so the only support network my mum has is her fiance, and he works internationally, so is rarely at home, and the telephone.

I am looking at setting up a charity as a tribute to the my mum and the persistance she has, and the determination to still be a normal mum to her children. She has had the worst luck in life and i would like to do something for her to show her my appreciation of her efforts.

This charity will fund support networks for people in my mums situations as i have found that there is nothing around, there are no telephone numbers to ring should my sister or brothers wish to talk to someone other than my mum about her health, or generally someone they can go and cry to should they not want to upset the rest of the family. I have tended to find that because i am the eldest i am everyones support, their rock, and sometimes it would be nice to air my thoughts and feelings to a complete stranger who is not involved in anyway, and there is nothing around. The charity will also hopefully fund marketing campaigns for diabetes and its effects on the patient and their families, and again provide a support network for them, it will also train children in emergency situations should a diabetic fall into a coma or have a hypo (which can both kill a diabetic) and they will learn about diabetes and its effects on the body.

I am looking for help in doing this, as i havent the first clue where to start. whetherit be registering the charity, are involved in a charity, how to deal with donations. Any help is welcome, and please if anybody needs a shoulder to cry on, or have troubles you would like to air, please use this page, we could all do with comfort form time to time.

Im sorry this is so long, but i dont think i would have had much of a response would i have put 'i want to set up a charity how do i do it?'

So thanks for taking out the time its much appreciated. xxxx




  1. I am so sorry for what you are all going through at the moment, my mum had a really bad stroke and I threw myself into research and trying to find ways to help her and I think it was the only thing that kept me sane.

    Write to your local paper, local news station, MP, GMTV, Companies that could sponsor your cause, anyone that you think could help from celebrities to the local papershop.

    You register the charity here and I am sure they will give you advice.

    I wish you all the good luck in the world, you need some now to even things out.

    Please let me know how you go on, you can contact me via e mail.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's situation. I can only imagine, not only for your mom, but for the rest of your family how hard this must be. I commend you for finding the strength to make something positive out of a heart wrenching situation.

    I know some people may think this idea is far fetched, but I would write to Oprah. I'm sure so many people write for various reasons (like donating money), but your story is one that I think she would want to make the world aware of. She always seems to touch on issues that bring awareness, which can really make a difference and I think your mother's situation is one that needs to be heard. Not only for your mom's sake, but your family and others out there in a similar situation. It would give great hope to so many just by hearing that they aren't alone and I'm sure she would point you in the right direction about how to set up a charity.

    Everyone needs resources no matter what the situation may be. I wish you all the best to you, your mom and the rest of your family.

  3. Firstly I'm so sorry to hear about your mum's ill health, I know it's easy to say but try and stay as positive as possible for her sake, the last thing she will need is to see her family falling apart. Sadly I have no idea how to set up a charity so cannot offer any advice, although I wish you, your mum and your family all the best

  4. Emmy thank you for finding not only the time but also the courage in sharing the huge ammount of problems your family must be experiencing. I wish i could giveyou the answer as to how you could set up a charity to help your Mum and also people like your Mum.

    Maybe you could ask the citizens advice center in your area on the correct route to take in setting up a charity.I wish you all the luck in the world your mother is obviosly extremely lucky to have someone like yourself to help her.

    Again sorry i haven't got the answer your looking for, good luck with it x  


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