
Heartburn and headaches?

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I have recently been having the worst heartburn I have ever had in my entire life and it sometimes feels like my actual heart rate is speeding up, I have what feels like the WORST menstrual cramps EVER, I'm tender in my brest (although I'm sure that has nothing to do with it) and I feel tired when i shouldn't. I recently went off the pill and tried the nuva ring for two months and now I'm not on anything. I have already had my period this month... could my body be reacting to the hormone change? how do i stop the heartburn and headaches without using to many medications like excedrin?? I'm over feeling this way!! can anyone help me??

PS- im only 22 if that info helps out




  1. I've never used any of the BC methods you mentioned, but after menopause I found out just how much your hormonal balance affects EVERYTHING in your body!  Heartburn?...try TUMS or another OTC med.  Excedrin and a nap is the best I found for migraine type headaches.  I don't have any other headache cures other than ibuprofen or maybe warm washcloths on your forehead.  Eliminating the source of your pain is the key...meds only mask or relieve symptoms.  I used herbs to support adrenal system when mine got out of whack from menopause, but they take about 3 weeks to kick in good.

  2. I would say that hormone changes are responsible. I can recommend Xango Juice to take care of the heartburn, cramps, headaches and the tiredness. Its completely natural! And believe me when I tell you it works!! You can visit thier site for more info.

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