
Heartburn question...?

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i was wondering if its common during early pregnancy to have terrible heartburn and occasional heart palpitations or heavy beating...i've had every sign of pregnancy this month like fatigue, nausea, constipation, cramps, backaches, sore b***s, headaches, emotional mood swings..... i am testing in the morning but lately i've been having really sharp intense heartburn and heart this another sign of pregnancy? and how did your heartburn feel when you were pregnant? was it a sharp pain?




  1. Heartburn is normal throughout pregnancy.  I experienced sharp pain, but I also found out I had gallstones.  The heart palpitations may be fluttering felt when you feel nauseous.  It's also normal.  How early are you in your pregnancy?

    Good luck to you!

  2. I had terrible heartburn while I was pregnant.  I had had it prior to becoming pregnant though.  It got worse around the second trimester, and felt like an intense burning in the middle of my chest.  Every time I would burp I would have to take a Tums to help with the burning.

  3. yes it is also a sign of pregnancy

    Early signs of pregnancy: #1

    Missed Period

    Perhaps the most obvious early symptom of pregnancy is when you've missed your period. This possible sign of pregnancy is often what causes women to search for more details about the other pregnancy symptoms.

    Some women might only experience a much lighter period compared to their usual. You might not experience any of the pregnancy signs listed below until around the time you notice you've missed your monthly cycle.

    Early signs of pregnancy: #2

    Just "Feeling" Pregnant

    This early pregnancy symptom may be the reason why you are checking this list right now. Many women believe they have an intuition about pregnancy signs. Their intuition is often proven correct.

    Maybe you just feel different; tired, moody, queasy, lightheaded. You may also have heartburn, constipation, or find yourself making more frequent trips to the restroom. Perhaps you feel a dull ache or stiffness in your lower back, you have sore b*****s or they seem overly sensitive, or you are simply not feeling like your usual self.

    Early signs of pregnancy: #3

    Breast Tenderness

    One of the very noticeable early signs of pregnancy is tender, swollen, somewhat sore b*****s. You may notice this pregnancy sign at bedtime when you are trying to get comfortable and go to sleep, when exercising or showering, or when getting dressed.

    When you become pregnant, your body begins preparing your b*****s for producing milk and breastfeeding. Hormones start increasing. In addition to breast tenderness and swelling, your nipples may feel sore or extra sensitive. Some women notice their nipples darken in color.

    Your b*****s play an important role in childbirth. They are naturally sensitive and become far more so when pregnant. This is one of the most obvious early symptoms of pregnancy.

    Early signs of pregnancy: #4


    One of the earliest pregnancy signs for some women may be fatigue and exhaustion. You may start going to bed sooner, or find it harder than usual to get out of bed in the morning. If you are working, by noon you may feel like you need to lie down. Exercising seems like too much effort. A simple activity like shopping may leave you feeling wiped out and lightheaded. This early pregnancy symptom is caused by all of the changes that your body is going through, plus the increasing levels of hormones.

    If you know you are pregnant, try to take frequent rests or naps of 15 minutes to a half-hour whenever possible. Explain to your family, friends and coworkers that you need these naps. Ask for their help in blocking out rest times for you.

    Early signs of pregnancy: #5

    Frequent Urination

    An early symptom of pregnancy that others may notice you experiencing is frequent trips to the restroom. Your family or friends may comment that you seem to be going off to the ladies room quite often lately. One cause of this pregnancy symptom is that the swelling uterus can put pressure on your bladder.

    Also, pregnancy causes extra body fluids to be processed by your kidneys and bladder. That means more trips to the restroom. Sorry to have to say this, but this symptom of pregnancy may remain constant for nine months.

    Early signs of pregnancy: #6


    One of these pregnancy signs of queasiness, nausea and vomiting can take you by surprise when you least expect it. These early pregnancy symptoms may come as soon as a week into the pregnancy. Many women experience nausea in the morning when they have coffee and/or eat something on an empty stomach. This is known as morning sickness (see below). Other women notice nausea in the afternoon or evening. Others feel queasy all day.

    This pregnancy symptom may often be helped by eating smaller, more frequent snack size meals. Many women say saltine crackers and milk seem to be helpful. This is an early symptom of pregnancy that seems to show up about a month after pregnancy has begun. It tends to level off once you are into your second trimester and your body adjusts to all the many changes it is going through.

    Early signs of pregnancy: #7

    Dizziness and/or Fainting

    One of the more surprising pregnancy signs is dizziness and/or fainting. Going up stairs, standing up suddenly after sitting for a time, or just having to stand in line at the grocery store can make you feel light headed. You might even faint. As the uterus swells it compresses arteries in your legs. This can drop your blood pressure and make you dizzy.

    A common early sign of pregnancy is that you may feel faint when you have gone a while without eating. This is due to low blood sugar, because that is your baby's main source of food. You want to eat frequent, healthy snacks to keep your blood sugar up. Stock up on portable lunch box foods you can take with you. Such as apples, bananas, grapes, yogurt cups, carrots and celery, cheese and crackers, small cartons of milk, juice boxes, granola bars, boxes of r
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