
Heat Pump Question?

by Guest31626  |  earlier

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I've got a couple quick heat pump questions:

1.) Is it OK to raise the tempature on a digital t-stat while the heat pump is RUNNING in AC/Cooling mode (or vice-versa when in heating mode; lowering temp), to have it turn off? Or does this damage the heat pump?

2.) Is it OK to switch to OFF on the digital t-stat to turn off the heat pump when RUNNING in HEAT mode or COOLING mode?

3.) Is it OK to switch the digital t-stat to OFF immediatly after the heat pump stops RUNNING as it's reached the set tempature in HEAT or COOL mode?

4.) Is it OK to keep the digital t-stat on OFF when you leave the house?





  1. Yes to all four.The only thing that is hard on your compressor is short cycling.There are delays on almost all of newer t-stats that will not allow a short cycle so don't worry.

    That's exactly the definition.

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