
Heat related questions?

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I've seen a lot of questions pertaining to the high temps today. Is the whole US having a heat wave or what?




  1. I'm in California - on the coast - so we have the natural "air-conditioning" going.  Usually, in summer - we have the fog - because the land - east of us - gets warm - and pulls it it.  So far, no fog !!  Days have been sunny (with winds) - temp currently 69 - supposed to get 72 tomorrow.  Very cold when going to bed - heats up during the night - and you have to throw covers off. Really different - this year. ♥

  2. no it's just summer

  3. atleast in Virginia.

    its 106 degrees here!


    shoot me now!


  4. I live in michigan where it's usually around 70 degrees and now it's been hanging around low 90's and sunny.

  5. Whilst I was in Greece the temperature there was 37 degrees (94 degrees) which the staff at the hotel was saying was not normal (altho' it had hit 44 degrees the previous year)

    Here, in the Midlands England the sun is shining at 7.30 pm and it has basically shone all day.....but, there is a slight chill in the air, too.

    I can remember as a child not being able to sleep because of the heat and also we seemed to have Christmas snow then, which we don't get now.  But, perhaps childhood memories aren't reliable.

  6. No, just the East. As you can see, people in the East are a bunch of whiners. Last April they were complaining it was too cold and that "global warming is a lie". Now look at them. They can't make up their mind. The truth is that both the cold and the heat are normal. Weather is never picture-perfect. Temperatures always swing up and down; that is normal. We in the West know it.

  7. It is sure hot down here in Louisiana.  Not quite as hot today as yesterday.  It's been in the mid 90's and we have had  very high humidy (about 75%).  Makes for a dangerous situation around here.  It will get worse when we get up there with 90 % humity and 100 degree temps.


  8. Here in the north,the temperature is ninety-three

    Only two months ago, we could ski.

    The air is heavy like grand-ma's old quilt

    It tastes like dirty river silt.

    Not much we can do but get out of the sun

    Answer Yahoo questions, now that seems like fun.

  9. i hope not

  10. We've been in a heat wave for a couple of weeks now.  Even with the air on and the ceiling fans on with temps still in the high 80's at night it's miserable.  I don't mind the's the humidity that bothers me.

    I don't truly remember it ever being this warm when I was a kid.  Winters get warmer and summers get hotter.  Global warming is truly coming to the forefront.

    It's the elderly and the sick that I truly worry about.  Tomorrow they are asking us to bring any extra fans and air conditioning units to church that we have.  I am taking a couple of fans I have in the garage that we don't use.  What a lovely thing for the church to do.  A great way to start off the week.

    Have a lovely weekend!!!

    Stay cool!!!!

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