
Heat wave in the northeast U.S. this weekend, its still spring! Is this sure evidence of global warming?

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Heat wave in the northeast U.S. this weekend, its still spring! Is this sure evidence of global warming?




  1. It's as much evidence of global warming as the fact that we had a long unusually cool spring was evidence of global cooling.

    That is, very little evidence.

  2. We're just a couple weeks until Summer.  Looking to cool off, come out west, out here, where it is in the 30's and 40's.

    Seriously, it is not unusual to have strong surges of warm air ahead of powerful low pressure systems, which have unusually cold air on their other sides.  Here in Wyoming right now it seems more like late March or April.  Global warming is when overall average temperatures over the entire globe rise over a period of time, not just some areas for a short time. In fact, global average temperatures have been on a general decline since 1998.

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