
Heath Ledger deserves a posthumous Oscar for his role as The Joker in Dark Knight: yes or no?

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  1. Yes

  2. I see he will be in the remake of "Ghost"

  3. whats the point hes dead ?

  4. Heath played the role well but it's too early to tell if he even deserves a nomination, let alone to win it.  There are still a few more months full of movies to come out and I think it would be a huge disservice to the Academy Award and Heath himself if he were awarded an Oscar just because he died.

  5. Yes.

    he played the role so well and lets face it he deserves it!

  6. No.

    Why? He was good, but not THAT good. Everyone under the age of 30 is getting so pant-wettingly excited over him and The Dark Knight, and that's due to the hype and the fact that it's become 'fashionable' to like both - if you dare say otherwise then you are ostracised and deemed 'un-cool'.

    Come on folks, wake up and smell the roses. There are far better films and performances out there.

  7. without a shadow of a doubt he deserves that Oscar, forget the fact that he is dead, you will not see a better performance from any other actor this year, dare i say it quiet possibly this decade and I am a big fan of  there will be blood and the performances in that. He put so much effort and his all in to that role and it is very rare that you will find actors or actresses that would immerse themselves like that in to a role, so i fully believe he deserves it alive or not, just so sad that if he does win that he will never actually receive it.

  8. i think its stupid that theres this backlash against the performance because hes dead. its the most ridiculous backlash ever. simply, he puts in a blinding performance, one of the greatest of the past ten years. i agree with the people who say that its too early to say whether he even deserves a nomination yet, seeing as how all the oscar movies normally come out around winter time, but there would have to be some tremendous performances between now and then for him not to get it. i foresee him definitely getting a nomination, and probably the win. and i think he deserves it on merit. you would think that with his death overshadowing the film you would just see a dead actor on screen, but for me, and i know a lot of people agree, when i watched the movie, all i saw was a sh*t-scary psycho clown. and thats acting

  9. absolutely simply because he did a terrific job and deserves an oscar  

  10. no, he was good , not great, and giving oscars to actors who kill themselves, they'll be dropping like flies for greatness, sets a bad example

    and before anyone attacks me i know depression is a sickness, i'm not trying to punish him, but not rewarding him either

  11. YES HE DOES. he did such an amazing job in that movie. and just because it was the last movie of him. i saw that movie, and it gave me goosebumps when he was in a scene! part of the reason he died, was because of this movie. he definetly deserves an award, he was always an amazing actor. and will always be rememberd<3

  12. forget his death he played an amazing role he deserves it. of course his death is taken into account, but with that performance it doesn't even need to be...

  13. Yes, definitely.  

  14. I do think Health Ledger played a "good" job as the Joker in Dark Night, but there we're other movies he performed "better." For example, "A Knight's Tale." I think people are more willing to reward him for his perforamce in Dark Knight since it was his last movie.  

  15. Given that he's dead, I don't think he'd appreciate it. I'd rather it goes to someone who would.

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