
Heatlhy food recipes

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Can any one tell me some good healthy food recipes like fruit salad and healthy stuff ??




  1. For general healthy recipes:

    Any whole grains are good. Vegetables are good, the less cooked the better. Oil is better than butter, and less oil is better than more oil. Choose fish and lean poultry over red meats.

    Stir-fries are a good start- choose three or so vegetables, preferably of different colors, and cook them in a little oil, first adding onions (if using), and then adding veggies toughest to softest.

    Spices will make your stir-fries more interesting. Try buying a few spice mixes - Garam Masala is a good Indian basic, or Fajita Seasoning, or Italian Seasoning. Trader Joe's has two really good Thai Curry Sauces, which are oily but a little goes a long way. You could also add Soy Sauce and a bit of Sesame Oil for a Chinese flavor.

    Serve with whatever whole grain makes sense. Indian, Chinese or Mexican flavors go well with brown rice; an Italian seasoned stir-fry (think onion, green and red bell pepper, tomato) would go well with whole wheat pasta.

    And for fruit salad:

    Chop up your favorite fruits. Mix together. Serve.

    I personally like: Cantaloupe, banana, pineapple. Spinach and strawberry. Blueberry and apple.

    But you should experiment with your favorite fruits!

  2. This is pretty quick and simple.

    1 large can of mixed fruit in natural juices

    1 can of mandarin oranges

    1/2 cup raisins

    1/2 cup shredded coconut

    1/3 cup lemon juice

    1 cup miracle whip light dressing

    Drain most of the juice from the canned fruit into a bowl and set aside.

    Put fruit, raisins, lemon juice, and coconut in a bowl, slowly folding in salad dressing and about half the juice set aside earlier. Be careful not to add too much juice so as not to water down the dressing too much.


  4. visit this website for more healthy food recipes...

    Good Luck!

  5. recipe// hmmm

    stirfries are always good.

    and try making some salad with lettuce, tomatos, rockets, with some lemon juice , oliveoil, and pinches of fresh salt and pepper.

    fruit salad,,, oh!

    because it is quite a hassle to prepare fruiteveryday..

    my mum used to buy a HUGE lot of fruit that goes together well, like watermelon , melon, apples, pineapples,

    cut theminto bitesize chunks, and separate them into different containers.

    add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice.

    so everyday you can just take out a container full of fresh fruit salad. :D

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