
Heaven? Whta do you guys think?

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Knowing all that you know about the formation of the universe do u beleive in something after we die or nothingness?

Not a religious nut just curious!!




  1. I see some other writers pooh-poohing your question as though it did not belong in the Astronomy section, or was even a valid science question.  They may not have thought through the implications of their answers, however.

    Astronomers and philosophers are scrambling to offer explanations of what is known as the anthropic principle.  It seems that a number of the physical properties of the universe are set at precisely the levels that will allow a long- lived universe, and man, to exist.  

    It would have taken only a tiny change in strength of the gravitational attraction, for instance, to make the universe collapse on itself in a short time after the big bang.  If the intensity of the strong nuclear force were ever so slightly weaker than it is, helium atoms could not form and there would be no periodic table of elements.  

    And there's no particular reason to think these and other physical properties should be set at the levels they are.  As far as we could tell, the levels could be set to anything.  

    What is the likelihood of all these properties coming out with exactly the settings we actually find?  You could think of the chances of one person winning the Powerball lottery billions and billions of times in a row, but the actual probability is far, far tinier than this.  It's been calculated at a number like 1 followed by 229 zeros. (For that matter, why do these gravitation, nuclear and other forces exist at all in our universe?)

    As scientists scramble to find an explanation that would avoid having to admit a possibility of the existence of God, some have latched onto the notion of an infinite number of universes.  In this view, there is an unlimited number of universes, in which all possible physical properties find expression in one universe or another.  By the sheerest of luck, we happen to be in the one that came out just right because, after all, we could hardly exist in any of the others.

    If one believes as these scientists do (and I use the word "believes" because there exists not the slightest evidence to support their view), it stands to reason that there must exist universes with the properties commonly thought to be found in heaven.  Likewise, universes that resemble h**l.  (The surface of Venus was described by no less a figure than Carl Sagan as resembling the description of h**l.)  Indeed, if one imagines an infinite number of universes with every kind of property, how could there not be found somewhere among them a heaven?


  3.   Heaven is the lack of any worries a state of eternal nothing would fill the bill.

  4. ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

    really, we came from carbon which is the basis of all life on our planet and it was originally formed by stars.

  5. I'll tell you what my philosophy professor in college (an atheist, by the way) told me.

    "You know how you'll sometimes go to sleep but not have any dreams, and you wake up feeling like you just laid down?  Well, I think death is like that, but you don't wake up."

    Think about it.  That sounds about right to me.

    Of course, that doesn't have much to do with my undrstanding of the formation of the universe.  If I were religious, I suppose my religious beliefs would influence my thinking in both areas, but I'm not, so they don't.

    I hope that helps.  Good luck!

  6. I find the concept of Heaven in the conventional sense hard to fathom. Surely we all have our own ideas of what constitutes heaven, some of which will be conflicting. For example, what if some people want heaven to be full of music whereas others want it to be silent and peaceful? And there are lots other contradictions. What about s*x? Can you have s*x in heaven? For some people, going without s*x for an eternity would be h**l!

    What if you were married to the person of your dreams and they died. Then you remarried to someone equally nice. What happens when you die and you're confronted by your former lover and your more recent one?

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